

dream的中文意思: 篇1



英语单词dream的词典解释 篇2

1. 梦

A dream is an imaginary series of events that you experience in your mind while you are asleep.

e.g. He had a dream about Claire...


e.g. I had a dream that I was in an old study, surrounded by leather books.


2. 做梦;梦见;梦到

When you dream, you experience imaginary events in your mind while you are asleep.

e.g. Ivor dreamed that he was on a bus...


e.g. She dreamed about her baby.


3. 梦想;幻想;愿望

You can refer to a situation or event as a dream if you often think about it because you would like it to happen.

e.g. He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot...


e.g. My dream is to have a house in the country...


4. 梦想;渴望

If you often think about something that you would very much like to happen or have, you can say that you dream of it.

e.g. As a schoolgirl, she had dreamed of becoming an actress...


e.g. For most of us, a brand new designer kitchen is something we can only dream about...


5. 理想的;梦幻般的;完美的

You can use dream to describe something that you think is ideal or perfect, especially if it is something that you thought you would never be able to have or experience.

e.g. He had his dream house built on the banks of the river Bure.


e.g. ...a dream holiday to Jamaica.


dream的双语例句: 篇3

I had some very strange dreams last night.


I have a recurrent dream that I've turned into an elephant.


My son's dream is to be an astronaut.


His dream of becoming an artist has been fulfilled.

She claims she never dreams.


dream是什么意思 篇4

He dreams of one day becoming a famous violinist.


The youths always dream fondly of their future.


When the right woman comes along, this bad dream will be over 当有合适的女人出现时,这种胡思乱想就会停止了。

In a dream you can be transported back in time 在梦里你可以回到过去。

It's as if I'm living in a hazy dream world 我好像生活在缥缈的梦境里。

You could waste your whole life on a pipe-dream 白日梦会荒废你一生。

Her dream is to present a lifestyle show on television 她的梦想是主持一档电视时尚生活节目。

My dream is to have a house in the country 我梦想在乡间拥有一栋房子。

Even the European dream is beginning to turn sour 甚至连欧洲之梦都开始破灭了。

Who could ever dream of a disaster like this? 谁能想到会发生这样的灾难?

Visiting Angkor was the fulfilment of a childhood dream 游览吴哥实现了孩提时的一个梦想。

My sons would never dream of expecting their clothes to be ironed 我的几个儿子从不指望别人帮他们熨好衣服。

All they ever dream about is getting a hole in one 他们一直梦想着能一杆入穴。

"There, there," said Mum "You've been having a really bad dream " “好了,好了,”妈妈说,“你只是做了一个很可怕的噩梦。”

Building a memorial to Columbus has been his lifelong dream 为哥伦布建一座纪念碑是他一生的梦想。

He had finally accomplished his dream of becoming a pilot 他最终实现

There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure --Paulo Coelho 世界上只有一样东西可以阻止梦想实现,那就是害怕失败。

Greece is said to be a botanist's dream 据说希腊是植物学家梦寐以求的地方。

Many people dream of scorching round a racetrack 许多人梦想能绕着跑道飞奔。

His ship had sailed like a dream 他的船行驶十分顺畅。

The Confectionery Warehouse is a chocoholic's dream 糖果仓库是巧克力爱好者的梦幻之乡。

Britain's dream of herself began to fade 不列颠民族的梦想开始渐渐幻灭。

dream的英语音标: 篇5

英 [driːm]     美 [driːm]

英语单词dream的汉语意思 篇6

英 [dri:m] 美 [drim]

不及物动词 梦想; 做梦; 梦见; 想到

及物/不及物动词 做梦,向往

及物动词 梦想; 做梦; 想到

名词 梦想; 梦; 愿望

形容词 梦的; 理想的; 不切实际的


1. I dream of being the best footballer in the town.


2. She dreamed that she could fly.



1. Mary once dreamed of God.


2. He dreamed of becoming a movie star when he was young.


英语单词dream的双语例句 篇7

1. Its feet were tied with red bands, just like in Her Ladyship's dream!


2. Most of us dream of becoming a volunteer at the 2010 World Exposition.


3. Everybody has his dream. In order to come true the dream, maybe you must give up sth.


4. It is like the dream of your matter of affection coming true.


5. In the morning he was aroused out of a pleasant dream by several men stirring about in the cold, cheerless room.


6. I think of all the stories of courage and perseverance and dream fulfillment that you shared with us at Cyres Café.


7. Gently shake youth Campanula ring, a pleasant voice on the heart attack, looked up rays in the halo of colorful dreams, a few heart will indulge in the glory of touching: the stream of history, the splendid ancient Chinese poem so elegant that the idea of flying the look, clean up one's soul and beautify their own temperament; breathing poetry of the text in the mellow air, let poets of sentiment or feeling melancholy; then Qingli poetic, sincere love, dream The gorgeous cast of human soul, the soul of the strokes used to write their own lines, to the life of paper left on a clean page.


8. If you dream that you are playing or singing in a quartet then you will find many happy companions and an enjoyable life.


9. And when he/she begins to fade away in your heart, will always appear in your dream.


10. Why have the dream life, even the best Mengxing to all air, leaving behind only the beating heart.

