

英语专业四级作文 篇1

How to Give a Good Speech

We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life, but most of us don’t do a very good job. Here are some suggestions on how to give a good speech.

First of all, it is important to plan. Do your homework. Find out everything you can about your subject. And, at the same time, find out as much as you can about your audience. Who are they? What do they know about your subject? Do they have a common interest? Why are they coming to hear you speak? Put yourself in their shoes as you prepare your speech①。 Just remember: be prepared. Know your subject, your audience, and the occasion.

Let us suppose that you have been asked to introduce the main speaker at a meeting. First, find out the most important and interesting things about the speaker. Then, summarize this information in a few words. Remember, you are not the main speaker; you are introducing the main speaker.

If you are giving a lecture or explaining an idea, gather as many facts as you can on your subject. Spend plenty of time doing your research. Then spend plenty of time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow. Use as many examples as possible, and use pictures or charts if they will help you make your points more clearly. Never forget your audience. Don’t talk over their heads, and don’t talk down to them②。 Treat your audience with respect. They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.

If you follow these simple steps, you’ll see that you don’t have to be afraid of public speaking. In fact, you may find the experience so enjoyable that you ask to make more speeches! You’re not convinced yet? Give it a try and see what happens.

英语专业四级作文 篇2

Everyone learning English knows what a white lie means, but since it is a lie, it has always been a controversial topic. A case in point is when a patient is suffering an incurable illness, should the doctor or the other people inform the patient of the truth?


People who against this insist that the patients should be informed the true information about their illness, so that they can make proper decision according to their health. And the laws entitle people to know the truth which concerns themselves, so telling them a lie in fact invades their legal right.


Contrary to the above belief, some people hold that a white lie is t acceptable. They worry about that if the patient was told the true about their condition, it will risks destroying their hope, which will make the situation even worse, they might refuse to receive treatment or commit suicide. Therefore, we should keep the true to ourselves.

与之相反的人 他们担心如果病人知道了他们的真实情况,就会有毁掉他们的希望的风险,这会让情况更加糟糕,他们可能会拒绝接受治疗,或者自杀。因此,我们应当守住真相。

As far as I’m concerned, whether people should tell a white lie or not depends on what kind of person the patient is. If the patient has a strong will to live and has positive attitude, telling them the truth will be helpful to the treatment. But if the patient is the opposite, we had better not do so. To conclude, no matter the white lie is acceptable nor not, we should keep in mind that the information should be conveyed in a humane way.


英语专业四级作文 篇3

Education is not an end, but a means to an end. In other words, we do not educate children only for educating them. Our purpose is to fit them for life.

In some modern countries it has been fashionable to think that free education for all can solve all the problems of society and build a perfect nation. But we can already see that free education for all is not enough. We find in such countries a far larger number of people with university degrees refusing to do what they think islowwork, and, in fact, working with ones hands is thought to be dirty and shameful in such countries. But we have only to think a moment to understand that the work of a completely uneducated farmer is far more important than that of a professor; we can live without education, but we die if we have no food. If no one cleaned our streets and took the rubbish away from our houses, we should get terrible diseases in our towns.

In fact, when we say that all of us must be educated to fit us for life, it means that we must be educated in such a way that, firstly, each of us can do whatever work is suited to his brains and ability and, secondly, that we can realize that all jobs are necessary to society, and that it is very bad to be ashamed of ones work. Only such a type of education can be considered valuable to society.

英语专业四级作文 篇4

Nowadays, it seems that people are spending more and more time watching some sort of visual entertainment, whether it is television, a video tape or a DVD. There is no doubt that watching movies has become one of the main entertainments today and can influence the way that people behave.

Firstly, there are more and more advertisements before the movies. For example, I have experienced thirty minutes advertisements before the movie began. Secondly, the movies affect people in that they give people either a broader view of the world, depending on what type of programs they choose. For instance, those who watch news and educational programs can learn new things while those who watch entertainment shows can have great fun. Finally, perhaps the most susceptible viewers are children, who may be unable to tell fact from fiction and may try to imitate acts that they see in the movies.

In conclusion, with the ever-increasing popularity of movies, the influence is also tremendous and overwhelming. Besides the positive influence, we should pay more attention to the negative influence. (178 words)

英语专业四级作文 篇5

It is quite common that most students have private tutors since competitions nowadays are extremely intense among students both in schools and society. Many people encourage their students to find private tutors to help them to improve their scores of certain subject. Some people think students should focus on their lessons when they are in class rather than find private tutor to train them. From my point of view, I think private tutor has many advantages for students. Reasons are listed below.

由于现在学生在学习里和社会中的竞争相当激烈,所以很多学生都请家教很普遍。许多人鼓励自己的学生请家教,帮助学生提高某门功课的成绩。一些 就我看� 原因如下:

Firstly, private tutor can improve students’ scores rather quick. Not like students sit in class with many other students, private tutoring will focus on one student a time so that a student can get special trainings according to his or her characteristic. Thus, by this way, students can improve their scores quickly.


Secondly, private tutor will save a lot of time. Generally speaking, if students have private tutors, then they just need several hours to obtain lots of knowledge. While in school, teachers have to considerate for all students so that they will teach students a little bit of knowledge once a time. Therefore, students in school need a relatively long time to get more knowledge than learning knowledge from private tutor.


From above analysis, we can come to conclusion that students can obtain lots of knowledge in a short time.


英语专业四级作文 篇6

This cartoon is silly, and yet compelling: a large customer holds a hopelessly small piece of cloth as the tailor carefully measures. Such an image suggests that one needs to consider practical reality in the pursuance of goals. Merely acting on ones desires, while ignoring the facts at hand, cannot lead to success.

The fact that currently there are more graduates than jobs reminds us of the importance of rational thinking. Every year approximately 3 million students graduate from universities and begin looking for work. Many of them fail to find suitable employmentbecause there are simply not enough opportunities to accommodate such great numbers of graduates. In addition, however, one might also cite flawed individual assessment as a reason.

In order to create a realistic target for ones future, one must make rational decisions and prepare accordingly. A student who aims to be a surgeon, for example, must take care to acquire opportunities to do clinical practice and gain sufficient knowledge. In other words, customers would do well to take accurate measurements before purchasing their fabric. A small piece of cloth cannot adequately clothe a large person.


这幅画很可笑,但引人注目。一位身体庞大的顾客在裁缝仔� 这幅画告诉我们,一个人在执行任务的过程中必须考虑到实际情况,仅从主观意愿出发而不顾眼前的事实,是不可能成功的。



英语专业四级作文 篇7

Nowadays, with the development of Internet, it is much easier to make the deal. People don’t have to carry the paper money, instead, they can use the cards, and then click on the computer, the deal is finished. Credit card is very popular, many people choose to use it. But we need to take care.


On the one hand, credit card gives people a large amount of money to spend ahead. When people have a lot of money at hand, they will have the strong desire to spend and buy what they want. Some people can’t control themselves. Credit card brings people the sense of satisfaction.


On the other hand, credit card makes people burden a lot of money. When people spend the money ahead, it means that they need to return it. Some people become the slave of credit card, they need to pay off part of the money every month. They don’t earn much, but they need to take out some part of the salary to pay off the debt.

另一方面,信用卡使得人们背负着很大的债。当人们提前花钱,意味着他们需要还。一些 他们本来就没有多少收入,但是还要拿出一部分薪水去还债。

Every coin has two sides. Credit card brings people pleasure, at the same time, if people use it in the improper way, they can be the slave.


英语专业四级作文 篇8

Once the earth is under your feet again (you’ll enjoy the feeling), cross the nearest bridge to Castle Island. The curious yet majestic-looking spire ahead tops the oldest stock exchange in Europe, built in 1619. Its spire is formed from the entwined tails of three dragons. They represent Denmark, Sweden and Norway.

Keep going, to the Christiansburg Palace. The town of Copenhagen began here. Stop and visit the medieval castle. Parliament and the Royal Reception Chambers are open, too. Then continue to Nyhavn, a narrow waterway dug by soldiers in 1673. You’ll understand why Hans Christian Andersen made this charming waterway his home. A specially-built mirror outside his apartment window allowed him to peek unseen at the world outside.

Nyhavn is peaceful, an ideal place for lingering and people watching. You’ll usually see them dressed casually, though they are among Europe’s rich people. Danes are taught not to stand out in a crowd①。 But they do know how to party, especially during holidays.

To see them having fun, and to have some fun yourself, cross Andersen’s Boulevard and enter Tivoli Gardens. You won’t be alone. More than five million people a year come here. They come to dance, dine, take in outdoor and indoor concerts, see ballets and laugh at the comedy. One tip: bring a lot of money. About 20 restaurants are among the city’s most expensive. Even without money, you can still enjoy the proud old trees, the colored night lights and the beautiful gardens. You might feel as if you are in a fairy tale.

英语专业四级作文 篇9

Children or Adults

There is a growing tendency that children mature at a younger age these days。 Our society should accept the reality and adjust the law accordingly。

Today, the movies and Internet around children have too many things about violence and sex。 As a result, though we have tried all means to let children know only what they should know,children have known as much as adults。 According to statistics,the underage crime rate is rising at a surprising speed。 In addition, because laws in some places prohibit underage girls to have abortion without permissions from parents, the increasing number of unmarried mothers is also a worrying phenomenon。

Some surveys show that most 14 to 15 year old children think they are already grown ups, and are eager to behave in their own ways。 But the adults society doesnt think so。 Consequently, misunderstandings and quarrels between children and their parents and teachers have never stopped。

Since we cannot change children, we can change our law。We should allow children over 15 to make decisions about their lives without the interference of their parents or teachers, and let them assume the responsibility for their own behaviors。 Maybe in this way, the world would be more peaceful。

英语专业四级作文 篇10

In China, the problem about immoral behavior in public has been widely reported. Chinese people always said that is because the low population quality with self-mockery.


Recently, there was a video shown that a young couple carrying a baby in the subway, and they let the baby peeing inside the subway car. Young couples were denounced by the passengers, who do not care at all. What’s perhaps most shocking, the young father even wanted to kick a lady who were willing to offer a plastic bag as a toilet for the baby. The uncivilized behavior of the young couple is intolerable and disgusting.


In the first place, public place belongs to every citizens, we should keep it clean but not to ruin it. In a small way, the behavior in public represent personal quality, people could learn straightly what kind of person you are by your manner, if you litter everywhere you want, you are a low quality people, not to mention indiscriminately defecate on land. In a big way, if you act like that in foreign country, that could be a shame for our Chinese nation.


In the second place, the growing path of the baby is worrying. The immoral behavior in public shows that the level of quality that the young couple have. The impact from parents could be huge. The baby might easily grow up into the person just like his father, misbehavior, testiness and bellicosity. Parents should set a good example for children, but not to teach them an error concept.


In a word, is our obligation to behavior polite in public, not only for ourselves, but also for a more comfortable public environment.


英语专业四级作文 篇11

The comic reflects the image of our modern world in which technology has been an inseparable part of people’s daily life. As is shown, the man in the picture uses a laptop at work and home, for business and entertainment, so obsessed that he even dreams about bending over his laptop.

It is undeniable that this has been a common scene and the overuse of computers has aroused great concern. In my opinion, people should be cautious of the excessive use of computers for the following reasons. In the first place, it will inevitably affect people’s health if they sit before computers and stare at the screens for long hours, which may result in muscle pain and visual impair. Secondly, playing computers alone isolates people from others. Relationships in the real world are maintained through human contact and spending time with each other instead of chitchatting online. In summary, people should cut down their computer use for health and social reasons. Computers are not controllers but tools in our life.

英语专业四级作文 篇12

Many young people go to universities without a clear idea of what they are going to do. If one considers the various courses offered, it is not hard to see how difficult it is for a student to select the course most suited to him. If a student goes to a university to acquire a broader perspective of life, he will undoubtedly benefit. Schools often have too restrictive an atmosphere. Most students would, I believe, profit by the exploration of different academic studies, especially the all rounder with no particular interest.① They should have a longer time to decide in what subject they want to take their degrees, so that in later life, they do not look back and regret.

There is, of course, another side to the question of how to make the best use of ones time at university.② Some students, who are good at a particular branch of learning, may spend three or four years becoming a specialist, appearing with a first class Honors Degree but very little knowledge of what the rest of the world is all about. Therefore there will have to be much more detailed information in all fields. On the one hand, a band of specialists ignorant of anything outside their own subject, and on the other hand, an ever increasing number of graduates qualified in subjects for which there is little or no demand in the working world.③
