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二年级时,在书城,我看见了一套儿童武侠小说——《虹猫蓝兔七侠传》,随便翻一翻,便被迷住了。先买了三卷,回家一口气读完,勇敢正义、足智多谋的虹猫,武艺超群、貌若天仙的蓝兔,邪恶的 魔教教主黑心虎,太吸引我了,又买了三卷,偷偷藏在书桌放键盘的活动抽屉下,每次写作业的时候,趁外婆不在身边,拉开活动板,偷偷地看,一听到外婆的脚步,就迅速把抽屉推上去,埋头写作业 ,等外婆走了,再接着看,居然不知不觉又读完了,只好央求妈妈允许我把剩下的两卷买回来。妈妈一向支持我读书,只是从来没见我过我如此迷恋过书的,可能是为了激发我的读书兴趣吧,她十分爽 快地同意了,而且还主动陪我去书城,索性买齐了八卷,看完大结局才觉得过瘾。


再后来居然是老妈从当当网上开始帮我一本一本的买小说看,三年级不知什么时候,我又迷上了哈利波特,老妈先买了《哈利波特与魔法石》、《哈利波特与密室》,接着是《哈利波特与火焰杯》、《 哈利波特与凤凰社》,最后是《哈利波特与混血王子》、《哈利波特与死亡圣器》,反正是妈妈看得比我还快还着迷,有时候还跟我热烈讨论一下故事里面的人物和情节,不消分说,我最喜爱的人是哈 利,最崇拜的人是邓不利多,而我经常会用伏地魔作网名,作为虚拟世界里食死徒们的精神领袖,哈哈,吓唬一下别人。

渐渐地我已不再局限于看同一题材的小说了,我也不再局限于妈妈买书给我看了,我在福田区图书馆交了100元押金,办了一张我自己名下的借书证。那天我在少儿阅览室耗了一下午,走的时候借满了四 本我喜欢的书,从此我的书桌上便源源不断地堆满了从图书馆借来的书,比如:《草房子》、《山羊不吃天堂草》、《八十天环游地球》……暑假,妈妈帮我借了几本学校同学都爱读的书,《巧克力味 的暑假》、《男生日记》、《男生贾里全传》,这些仿佛记录了我身边的同学、身边的故事,点点滴滴,非常熟悉,非常亲切。

关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇10

my favorite book is(italian: cuore). this is a diary written by an italian boy enrico. the diary is about his life and study. it included various touching stories that happened around enrico, the mottos taught by his parents, as well as the wonderful ten "monthly" stories told by his teacher during the class. every word in the chapter describes the word "love". from patriotism to friendship, and to the love between parents and child -- really touching.

this novel taught me how to love, and how to learn from love. i really like this book very much. how about you? what is your favorite book?

my favorite book is. have you read it before?

oh, i haven’t read this book before. what is it about?

well, it is a story of a rich girl who maintained her noble character after the bankruptcy of her father. the story is happy ending.

can you tell us why you love this book so much?

sure. it is because the story taught us to be brave and to face the challenges and difficulties with courage. i am deeply impressed by the strength and perseverance of the little princess in the story. i have decided to learn from her from now on.

oh i see, the story sounds very good. i cannot wait to read this book as well.

关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇11

As we all know, the book is the soul of human beings, is the crystallization of human wisdom, is the treasure house of human knowledge. The book has its own gold room, has its own beautiful woman in the book, the book has its own rr jin, but the mouth of all the reader down from generation to generation.

When I was young, I would especially like to listen to my mother tell a story. A story to tell mom in three to five times, each time, will be moved by the story in the book. I most like to listen to a story, is the ugly duckling Hans Christian Andersen. Whenever my mother read aloud with affection, my heart, along with the ugly duckling process, jitter up and down. When my mother finished reading, my eyes filled with tears. Slowly I began to read. My mother bought me some famous books, and I read them carefully at home. Books, is also the place where I frequented. Squat down on the ground, a see be two hours. Gradually, I fell in love with reading. I sympathize with the little match girl, I care about the fate of the underwater mermaid princess, I'm Jane. The heart of love moved, I also cry for romeo and Juliet's sad love. Reading brings me the most meaningful joy, reading brings me rich world, let me treat everything with kindness and innocence.

When I grew up, I had a deeper understanding of the meaning of the story. The great poet Goethe once said, "read a good book, like a conversation with a group of noble people." Yes, a good book, can give us the power of the spirit. Literary masters, they has a keen insight into the vision, to infiltrate seen their own ideas, communicate with the reader in the book. As a result, the book had great masters of the spirit: "Notre Dame DE Paris" is full of Hugo fury of decadent society, is permeated with him, for love to humanitarian yearning, always flashing the light of human nature in the book; "Gone with the wind" has written the evil of war, facing the war hero's strength and nostalgia for his hometown; "Ah Q zhengchuan" is like a needle in the Chinese people's insensitive skin; In the analects of Confucius, Confucius was shown to be tireless in his work. Pushkin's poetry is filled with hatred for evil... They taught me to recognize good and evil, to teach me to do good, to hate evil. I learned to appreciate from the book, learned true, good, beautiful; I have learned from the book of love and understanding the end of evil. I have learned about social change from books; I learned to think more from books.

The master of drama Shakespeare said, "books are the nourishment of the whole world, and there are no books in life, and there is no sunshine. Wisdom without books is like a bird without wings. Indeed, any one if there were no books to enrich himself, his life will be how dull, how empty his life will be. Like a walking corpse, without thoughts without soul empty shell.

Books, accompany me through countless wind and rain, have experienced generations of vicissitudes, he has witnessed my growth. I share joy, anger, sadness, joy with him.

"A half mu of square pond a mirror to open, the sky light cloud of the common lingering. Ask canal which should be clear, for the source of fresh water." Students, let us drink this "source of fresh water", climb the ladder of human progress, become the intellectual millionaire, the spirit giant! Owning books, we have the whole world, we have books, we have a good tomorrow!

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关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇13

As we all know, books are the ladder of human progress. Books play an extremely important role in our life. It is important because it exists all the time around us, around us, and everyone is learning and using knowledge.

Some people, however, do not know what reading is for. I think one of the benefits of reading is adjusting your mindset. Regardless of the great joys and sorrows we encounter in life, we can keep a calm and calm mind, and be prepared to face it. When you are happy, don't get carried away. When frustrated, don't be too sad. If you can't avoid heartbreak, try to unclog yourself.

Books make me a happy man, gorky says. We might as well read the books in our leisure time. Through reading books, we learn from books and love and feel the truth. We recognize the change of history, the change of society. We learn to think, to ask valuable questions, to learn to grow.

The old man said: read well, read well, read good books. This is a wise quote. Reading a good book is to talk to a wise man, to enrich the mind and to distinguish right from wrong.

Bi shu min also said, the book is not rouge, but will make the human face permanent. Books are not sticks, but they are powerful. Books are not feathers, but they fly. Books are not everything, but they can make people change.

Books are our most loyal companions. Time goes by, and reading increases our knowledge. Don't you want to increase your knowledge? If you like, please pick up the book of our life is meaningful, into the book world, swim in the sea of knowledge, it will make you full of ideas, full of wisdom, and, in turn, change your fate, change your life, can let us find the real belong to our more self-confidence!

关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇14

teachers and classmates:

Hello everyone! "I'm a big boy from class five, grade six."

Book is the ladder of human progress, it can let us edify sentiment, also can let us increase knowledge. Every reading of a book can give us different feelings.

Read the "dream of Red Mansions" tragic ending, can not help the tears Huahua; when I read "the fairy" mills, understand people do not just look at the human shortcomings, also need to think more about the benefits of others; when I read "journey to the west" is a vivid character to attract; when I read "meet" understand people can not blindly take, but to know how to pay......

Although I have read so many books, I was also a person who didn't like reading. At the age of four, I like to travel with my father and mother, and my parents often play with me. But one day, my father and mother saw that other people's children had already memorized several ancient poems, but I could never recite anything. Let me read and I refused, so Dad locked me into the room, threw me a "Green fairy tale" and several other fairy tales, I do not stop crying at first, I hope my father can let me out, but with no, I feel very boring, then I open the book the characters, very vivid, beautiful and kind of snow white, the ugly duckling into a swan, good George, vicious hunter, poor prince, I was deeply attracted to the story, as if the body in which the original reading is so fun.

Reading is very happy, I want everyone to join the ranks of reading, read the fun of reading!

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关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇16

Everybody is good! The title of my speech today is, "reading, the habit of not losing."

In today's rapid development of science and technology, Internet, computers and television has become the mainstream of today's society, in the library, reading room, already can't see crowded situation, learning seems to be required for all students, school into social work we like to read more and more distant, the mainstream of life is now shifting from books to high-tech network, get information is intuitive, but never feel fun to read. The ancients had "read ten thousand books, the great wisdom of wanli road". In recent years both in China and western countries have been more and more attention to the importance of reading, let's start with the rapid development of science and technology today, slow down, quietly to enjoy reading the charm. On April 23, 1995, UNESCO called the day "world book day" to encourage people to discover the joys of reading and to enjoy the pleasure of reading. In 20xx, the day is 16 world reading day, this time only so order for is one of the world, just want to let people all over the world to remember today, every day to read a life habit, rather than just to commemorate and study.

China is a world-famous cultural country with a long history of culture. Ancient times, there are many stories about reading, kuang heng "authentic wall steal light", "capsule hotaru snow" CheYin hang beam, the sword of the shares of Sun Jinghe shu, ouyang xiu's "three" fan zhongyan studying reading, anecdotes, and so on, they are born, for die for books, for books, for books, for books and the poor, thin for books, and so on.

Books are the medium of civilization. It's a shortcut to the world. Is the inheritance of historical civilization;

Is the time tunnel leading to the entire universe... We have been the company of books since the first day of school, and it has become an indispensable part of life. Today we took to the social work, reading has become less important, also does not have to treat reading as a habit, in the practice work make me feel "books to time square hate less". Even though we often use the power of the Internet to find the material we want to use, we can only repeat the original action mechanically. We don't have our own thoughts in our minds, our own thoughts, and our own achievements. So let's pick up the book again and get down to the unique charm of the book. Find our own thoughts and achievements! MEDALS in our community has a can let you regain thinking and achievement, that is the library reading room on the third floor, there can be for us in their spare time reading books: content, up to the astronomical geography, historically, from the inside out, involved in all aspects by is readily available, let's become a habit of reading, have become a part of life, picked up the book in your hands, let us fly freely in the ocean of lifting HuiShu from today!

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关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇21

"Every time I open my book, every single lead character in the book is like a happy child cheering and greeting me, and I feel so much joy." This is a quote from gorky.

By reading, we can broaden our horizon, enrich our experience, and do everything in our history. Reading books can edify sentiment, enlighten life, enlighten wisdom, like a lamp, guiding the way forward. When you're bored, reading can make you feel good. When you are lost and disappointed, reading can calm your mind and ease your sadness. When you are in a good mood, reading can help you find more beautiful things around you and make you enjoy life more.

The charm of a book cannot be ignored. I remember when I was in the first grade, I was very helpless and confused, and there were chattering voices in the class. They were curious about everything and couldn't help talking. At this point, the soft air stop useless softly, and the anger rising in my heart, and shouts flapping hands stage, the class quieted down at once and looked at the children's eyes, I regret very much. The children's indifference made me more anxious, and then blurted out, "if we can order in class and finish our homework carefully, the teacher will tell us the story at any time." I smiled when I saw a pair of shiny eyes and clapping their feet. After that, the children endlessly asked me for rewards. "teacher, how can you tell so many stories?" I smiled and said, "because the teacher likes reading books!" "I also want to see, I want to see." From the initial notes to the current series of books, the children have become fans of the book. After finishing homework in class, they don't have to ask for it. Everyone is reading. Last week I sent each student an apple-tree grandmother, afternoon reading class is over, 48 students no one out of the classroom, the bell rang, the students looked at me, eyes with prayer, see my double eyebrow frowning, deliberately in thought for a few seconds, the heart not feeling don't want to say: "ok, take a class, in the next section, increasing tasks, everyone must be completed." I was surrounded by shouts of joy and relief.

In Chinese teaching, reading and studying are two difficult problems that plague every Chinese teacher. Take the exam, for instance, most lose points is to read the topic and assignments, complains seem powerless, every child wants to get the ideal result, because the head empty, vocabulary is too little, too poor to understand. Want to improve children's reading ability, comprehension, thoroughly get rid of the bad habits of back composition, must be a lot of reading, as the amount of reading, climbing understanding ability is poor, laundry list type composition such common problems will be readily solved.

Reading can cure disease, it is a good medicine. The chick belly bowel, arrogance, arrogant, eye is higher than the top, ignorance, impetuous emptiness of the crowd, through a lot of reading can help their brainwashed, eliminate ignorance, apathy, numbness, cunning. Inject integrity, loyalty, kindness, enthusiasm and other nutrients, awaken their cancerous cells, transform genes, gradually restore health. So that we can go on the road of life, more and more, surpass ourselves, overcome self.

Reading is the enjoyment of the spirit, can absorb the endless nutrition, brings us joy, brings us wisdom, makes our life more wonderful and abundant! Fall in love with reading, let us meet the wind and waves with the ideal of the peak, the peak!

My speech is over, thank you!

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关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇23

The title of my speech today is "reading and playing the background color of life".

A boy was born on February 12, 1811, at the home of a poor farmer in a rural Kentucky village. He had no chance to go to school because he was poor. He has been in school for less than a year. His mother could read, but never learned to write, and his father could only write his own name.

However, he was strongly attracted by books. He started school at the age of seven and went to school only two or three days a week. From then on, he began his own initiation education. He used the burned wood as a "pencil" and practiced writing letters on rough boards. At night, he read aloud to his mother the bible and read Aesop's fables.

As a teenager, he looked for and borrowed a lot of books from all his neighbors over 50 miles, including the autobiography of Benjamin Franklin, life in Washington, and pilgrim's progress. He seized every chance to read carefully. While other friends were playing hide-and-seek in the mountains, he was reading under a tree with a book in his hand. After dinner, he quickly picked up the book.

At the age of nine, his beloved mother died. He and his sister comforted their mother by reading her favorite bible verse.

When his father remarried, the stepmother brought a few furniture and three books to her new home: the merriam-webster dictionary, Robinson Crusoe and the night talk. He read the books over and over. He gradually became a proficient writer, so that his neighbors would pay him to write letters and simple wills.

When he was 21, he decided to go out. Finally settled in a small village on the western border with more than 100 new migrants. The village has six college-educated education people, including two knowledgeable physicians who allow him to borrow their books at any time.

For the next seven years, he did two jobs that allowed him to work long hours without interruption. The first job was the store clerk, and the second job was the postman. He has read books on philosophy, technology, religion, literature, law and politics. In fact, by reading, he gave himself an excellent college diploma.

In 1837, at the age of 28, he was a practicing lawyer in Illinois, even though he didn't graduate from grade one.

In 1861, he became the 16th President of the United States by running for office. He was one of the greatest presidents in American history, Abraham Lincoln

Listen to this story, and you will learn something from it.

In human history, both domestic and abroad, due to study diligently and change their own destiny, and even change the fate of national, ethnic, affecting the process of human civilization examples are like the stars in the sky, countless. Their stories influence and inspire generations of people, and the best way to learn from them is to read.

You can't get to know all the great men and masters of the world in real life, but by reading, it's possible. "To read a good book is to talk to many noble people," Goethe said. You can't go back to the past, nor can you get into the future in advance, but books can take you to the past and the future. It is said that those who do not read are living in the present, while those who read books live in three eras - past, present and future. You can't travel all over the world, but books can take you to every corner of the earth.

Words and books are the greatest inventions in the history of mankind, and if you can take advantage of it, you will not take advantage of the greatest invention.

Reading means education, even school. "The school first meant books," says former Soviet educator sukhomlinsky. Not for teachers and students, enrich the spiritual life between teachers and students need abundant books, or have a lot of books and the lack of teachers and students of the school love of books, is not a real school, can say is a "manufacturing, manufacturers of the labor force".

Do you like reading books? So start reading, harvest, taste, forge ahead! Let's bathe in the book and enjoy it. The book is gold and precious; Books are sunshine, unlimited energy. Pick up your books! You can go to bed and forget your food. In reading, I harvest; I grew up reading. I love reading, I love harvest.

Thank you.

关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇24

When I was a child, I grew up in the sound of "hoe and sweat", and every time I picked up the book and looked at the lifeless square, I always cried with no meaning. Reading is my biggest headache.

Growing up, I felt the lack of knowledge, and every time I wrote, I did not know how to begin. My father and my mother are upset that I don't like reading. I often buy lots of books for me to read. Until one day, that evening, our family carried out an idiom contest, which I said idiom, mother said meaning, I opened the idiom dictionary, said: "gold cicada skin (ke)." As soon as they had finished, my father and my mother burst into laughter. I wondered what they were laughing at. My mother looked at me in amazement and said, "look at pinyin. What do you read?" "Oh! It's "qiao"! I suddenly realized. My father said to me seriously, "we should pay more attention to reading in the future, so that we can accumulate knowledge." So, I made up my mind, must read more, know a lot of knowledge.

Since then, I really like reading books, because books bring me endless pleasure. I prayed for the fate of the little match girl when I read the children's collection of Hans Christian Andersen, the little match girl. When I saw the five strong men of lushan, I cried for the grief of the five strong men of the mountain. When I read the romance of The Three Kingdoms, I admired zhuge liang's hero. I am deeply intoxicated in the sea of books,

Ever seen such a passage in a book "reading can cure fools, reading can ZhiQiong, reading can cure disease, can read shelly, reading can reach, can read urbanity, can intelligent reading, reading can know how to make friends, how to recognize people, how to speak, how to do things, how to live to physical and mental health, reading can understand what to be called perfect life lived." Yeah! The benefits of reading are endless.

Now, when I lift the steel is how tempered, deep into the inside, how much I feel happy, because I have a healthy body, Paul though disabled, but he that does not bow to fate, strong YiZhiHe tenacious spirit, deeply impressed me, let I admire. I am full of hope for my future study and life. I love reading more.

Reading "romance of The Three Kingdoms" and "water margin of the marsh" can give us a better understanding of Chinese names; See the hundred thousand why we can enrich our knowledge. Reading "the whole composition" can improve our composition. It's just some comics, funny stuff, or something that makes us more humorous and imaginative.

Reading gives me knowledge, reading gives me pleasure, and reading gives me strength.

I'm reading! Reading let me know what is sour? What is sweet? What is bitter? What is spicy? Reading makes me know how to behave? The biggest thing I have to read is knowledge. It enriched my brain and increased my knowledge.

Can you say that reading is unhappy?

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Gorky once said: books are the ladder of human progress. Most of the knowledge comes from books, preferring to eat no fish and not to read. In my daily life, books have become an indispensable part of me. I have read many books, among them my favorite author is tagore I have also read the four great novels, the dream of the red chamber, the romance of The Three Kingdoms, the journey to the west, the water margin, and I have gained a lot of knowledge and inspiration in the book. The encyclopedia, for example, made me understand a lot of things I never saw.

Moreover, there are many ways to read books. The poet zhu xi once said that reading books is three to one, which is to say, the mind is to the eye and the eye to the hand. Meaning is to understand with the heart, use the eye to watch the article, use the hand to record the fragment. And I feel that reading books not only read, but also take notes and write more thoughts, so that the knowledge in the book will truly belong to us. I often use a method called "leading dog tail", is in three copies of the first a content, read, read the ending, and then conveniently guess the middle content, this method not only is fast, and very accurate.

As time went on, I got the knowledge from the book, and the more I piled up in my mind, I could hardly hold it. I was especially looking for a place to vent, so I chose to write, read a book, and write a book. Gradually, little articles can not satisfy my needs, I chose to write a book. Through my efforts, I finally overcame all difficulties and wrote my first book, the secret of my class.

A book can be read on thousands of times, you will always find different things from the book, reading is endless, let them to fill my brain is the best, reading is a kind of elegant attitude, I love reading, learned from the book to be doing things, learned from book writing method, through the teacher's guidance, in normal times to write a composition, can open mind, rich content, much at ordinary times when communicate with people, also some confidence, language ability has improved, also can write my first book, today it also cannot leave my parents hard training, the teacher's guidance by heart, to take this opportunity, I want to say to them, thank you for your education, training,

Let me grow! I will work hard and study hard.

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关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇27


大家好! 我是来自二年2班的刘佳可人,站在这里的我此时心中感到无比的激动与自信,首先我要感谢领导和老师给我这次汇报的机会,其次我还要感谢我的一位好朋友那就是——书!我从书那里获取了很多的精神食粮,吸取了更多的智慧营养。今天我汇报的题目是《书——你是我一生的朋友》。 其实,以前我是个不爱看书的孩子,可爸爸妈妈经常鼓励我多读书,说读书可以开拓眼界,增长知识、懂得做人的道理等等,但我就是不感兴趣。记得在一年级下学期,妈妈和老师让我们养成写日记的习惯,那时我觉得无从下笔不知如何去写,就想起了妈妈常跟我说的一句话“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”。

于是我就让妈妈带我到书店买了两本《手把手教你日记起步》,回到家里我如获珍宝似的认真看了起来,没事时我就看,看完后我就模仿着写了几回,慢慢地我掌握了写日记的方法,也能把我每天的所见所闻所想写出来了。就这样我对书渐渐有了好感,觉得书对我帮助很大,从此我认定书是我一生的朋友,因此,我书架上的书也渐渐的多起来。像《爱的教育》、《母亲》、《十万个为什么》、《格林童话》、《一千零一夜》……这些都是我爱看的书。 在家里每个房间都有我读书的身影,读书确实能让我收获颇多。瞧!从《爱的教育》中,我找到了爱的源泉;从《母亲》中,我体会到了母爱的伟大;从《四库全书》中,我了解了古今中外的历史;我知道白雪公主因为善良多次上了皇后的当,也因为善良得到了小矮人的呵护并最终获得了王子的爱情,过上幸福的生活。我不仅为灰姑娘着迷,为丑小鸭喝彩,更为我存在的这个世界而惊叹!

书,她就好像我的老师,传授了我课本中无法知道的真谛,所以我对书的感情与日俱增,闲暇、无聊时我就与书为伴。我很喜欢过每周的星期三,也就是我校的读书日,最后两节课是我与书相约的时候,我可以畅游在书的海洋里。 古人云:“书中自有颜如,玉书中自有黄金屋。”“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”,同学们,愿你们和我一起与书做一生的朋友吧,相信你也会从中得到很多的帮助,使你受益终生! 最后我要对书说 ——书,你是我一生的朋友,有你相伴,我将无悔人生! 谢谢大家,我的汇报完毕。

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"Every time I open my book, every single lead character in the book is like a happy child cheering and greeting me, and I feel so much joy." This is a quote from gorky. Yes, reading is a happy thing, from which there is some truth and knowledge.

My mother's daughter of the sea told me that I saw a kind, beautiful girl. "The three little pigs" made me feel the simple and cute little pig; Grew up, from will see these provoking laugh comics to one another in the novel, the book let my childhood more beautiful, more happy, throw discus gouache on picture in my childhood.

The book is filled with the author's thick emotion. "The seven colors" led me to the imagination; "The daughter of the sea" makes me cry like a pearl... As long as I have a book in my hand, I will be infatuated.

Shakespeare said, "books are the nourishment of the world." I love reading, I am like a hungry child, greedy suck everything in the book. In the sea of books, let the boat of knowledge take me to a mysterious world!

I remember one time, my mother bought me a "innocent years", when I looked, I couldn't help falling in love with it: lilac cover, it was my favorite color! There was a little girl asleep in the middle of a flower. Open a look, white paper with black body of lead character, very beautiful! What a great deal! I was immediately hungry to read. From the article I not only accumulated many good words, but also comprehended many people's principles. Gradually, my article is no longer just monotonous, boring, but also a bit of steady and inclusive in the tender hand pen. My classmates are amazed at my transformation, and my answer is to read more books, the enrichment of knowledge depends on the accumulation of years.

Students, "there is a lot of money in the book, there is a golden house in the book." Some books are like old vintages. Some books, like the sugar cane, come into the world; Some books are like a green olive, after the bitterness of the fragrance...

The book is the light of my growth path, which not only provides me with rich spiritual food, but also edifies my character, so that I can understand what kind of person I am. I love the book, she accompany me through countless wind and rain, the book is my mentor, she describes the scenery of the weather, teach me the big and small reason, teach me the benefit infinite knowledge... Thank you all the way to have you, accompany me happy growth!

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We are budding flowers, and in our journey of life, we have saved our energy so that we will have a beautiful bloom on that day.

Not every flower in this world can bloom so bright, because of this, we should cherish this opportunity to blossom. Wind power determines the direction of the dandelion, and reading can determine our direction. The biggest difference between us and the dandelion is that we are totally dependent on the wind, and we are ourselves.

When we are young, it is time for good. You should take advantage of this youth, take advantage of this energy, cheer up, fight for your dreams, and lay the foundation for the future. Studying hard is our top priority right now. Don't give up on our path because of the boredom of adolescence. Reading and studying was not the only way out, but it is the only shortcut, the future is to rely on struggle, and now the society need is talent, there is no knowledge as the foundation, how to fight?

Reading is a very enjoyable thing. It can not only enrich our knowledge, but also improve our quality. We are the new century and the new generation. We must have knowledge, morality and self-cultivation. We must not let our country be ashamed of us. We should study hard and study hard.

In fact, students are also a kind of occupation, and are the easiest among all professions. We don't work hard, we get paid every day, we just come to school, we study, that's all, and we have plenty of vacation time. If we can't manage even the lightest professions, how can we talk about it?

Students, don't idle away your time every day. We are not dandelions, we do not have to wait for the direction that the hill gives us, we rely on our efforts. Take action, let us raise our efforts to sail in the sea, believe that one day we will all return home.

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关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇31

The topic of my speech today is reading and lighting up your life.

When I was a child, we babbling, elders always teach us some of the old saying, "everybody has frequently as the diameter, road to learning bitter for a ship", "idle young, needy old., idle young, needy old", "the book is read hundreds of times, its meaning, only know can memorize is the best. Gradually we grew up, learned pinyin, learn to read and learn to read the word, small one is keen to learn about the world, so we made a good friend - books, love reading.

MAO zedong once said: "rice can not eat one day, sleep can not sleep one day, the book can not one day not read." This shows the importance of reading. Reading, is to pick up the flowers in the picturesque scenery, looking for the life feeling of the tidbits. You can canoe on the west lake and pick up the lotus seeds of life. You can drive a long car into suzhou and hangzhou and enjoy the paradise on earth. You can visit mount tai, understand the reasons of the emperor's zen, and smell the mind of the small mountain. You can be proud of the rise of China and study for China.

Tell us a story, in the western han dynasty, there was a very studious young man called kuang heng, but because the family is poor and have no money to buy the light, the night his house in the dark, unable to read. What to do? One night, he saw a neighboring lit candles, is chiseled a hole on the wall quietly, let slightly through the holes in the candle light reflected in the book, just like that, he read by the neighbour's light every night, until the neighbors lights out. Kuang heng was under such learning conditions, learned knowledge, later became a famous scholar of the western han dynasty. But it's not advisable to gouge out this behavior now, because it would be tragic if it was cut down to the neighbor's sewer.

Listen to the story, what do you think? Yes, knowledge changes fate. Gorky said, "books make me a happy man." We read for others, not for exams, but for ourselves. With books, as with knowledge, as friends, with wisdom as a teacher, we can store up energy and grow talents. Reading is like moving through the vast sea, making people happy; It's a love affair that makes a man run like a dog. Entering the vast sea of books, breathing the light of the book, the fingers of the fingers, searching for the truth and beauty of life, sitting on the tide of the world, and finally seeing the day.

Read books, edify my sentiment, broaden my vision, enrich my feelings. "Half mu of square pond a mirror, the sky light cloud shadow altogether. Ask the canal to be clear, for a source of fresh water." Students, let us drink this "source of fresh water", climb the ladder of human progress, become the rich man of knowledge, the spirit of the giant, become the motherland 21st century high quality builder!

That's all for my speech. Thank you!

关于读书的英文演讲稿 篇32

The ancients cloud: "there is a golden house in the book." Books are the source of wisdom and the treasure of knowledge. Reading is a pleasure and a pleasure.

When I was a child, I tasted a lot of happiness from the book sea. In the second grade, my mother said to me, "there are so many stories in the book waiting to make friends with us!" In the middle of the doubt, I read "ugly duckling," I watch and dance: "it's amazing! The ugly duckling can turn into a white swan!"

Reading gives me pleasure. When I read Anderson's little match girl, I was sad for the little girl's fate. I was moved by the strength and bravery of the five strong men when I read the five strong men of lushan mountain. When I read "the grass boat borrow arrow", I was for zhuge liang's brilliant wisdom.

Reading has increased my knowledge. Read "the hundred thousand why" let me know why insects can tell directions. Reading "excellent composition" has improved my writing level; Reading comic books makes me more humorous and imaginative.

Reading gives me the greatest feeling: giving me knowledge, giving me pleasure, giving me strength.

There is no book in life, just like there is no sunshine between heaven and earth. Wisdom without books is like a bird without wings. Students, read more! Let us grow knowledge and happiness in the sea of books. Let us fly happily and healthily in the world of books!

Thank you!

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