
Poems 篇1

XX高考英语备考单元知识搜索与探究归纳unit4 a garden of poems



a. 单词

1.诗;韵文           (n.)______________

2.意图;打算;目的         (n.)______________

3.型;模型;方式          (n.)______________

4.对话            (n.)______________

5.想像;幻想           (n.)______________

6.孤独;寂寞           (n.)______________

7.语法;语法学          (n.)______________

8.不在;缺席           (n.)______________

9.地区;区域           (n.)______________

10.气氛;情绪;大气         (n.)______________

11.序言;介绍;引进         (n.)______________

12.(色彩)浓淡;深浅;荫凉       (n.)______________

13.习语;成语;语言习惯用法       (n.)______________

14.散文;论说文;随笔        (n.)______________

15.特别的;不平常的;惊人的       (adj.)______________

16.背诵;朗诵          (v.)______________

17.将事物分类;整理         (v.)______________

18.相距;除去;单独地        (adv.)_____________

答案:1.poem 2.intention 3.pattern4.dialogue5.fantasy  6.loneliness7.grammar  8.absence 9.district10.atmosphere 11.introduction 12.shade13.idiom  14.essay 15.extraordinary  17.sort 18.apart

b. 短语

19.为……作贡献;有助于;向……投稿 _______ _________

20.使某人来到;要求将某物取来或送到 ________ ________

21.出现;形成 ________ ________ ________

22.照亮;使放光彩 ________ ________

23.突出;显眼;远远超过 ________ ________

24.召唤;使人想起;调动;提出;打电话 ________ _______

25.玩;玩弄 _______ _______

26.把……结合成一整体;装配 ________ sth.________

27.很年轻的时候 _______ _______ very_______ age

28.把诗从英文翻译成中文 ______ _______ ______ english _______ chinese

29.度过白天 ______ ______ the day

30.老师不在的时候 _______ ________ _________ ________ the teacher

答案 to 20.send for  into being 22.light up 23.stand out

24.call up 25.play with 26.put,together27.at a, young  poetry from,  into  through30.during/in the absence of

c. 句型

31. ________ ________ (一旦发表),his work became famous for the absence of rhyme at the end of the line.

32. he has determined to remain loyal to his company________ ________ ________ happens.

=whatever happens, he has determined to remain loyal to his company.

published 32. no matter what

d. 语法

33. when our school is seen from the top of the hill, it looks more beautiful.

= _______ from the top of the hill, it looks more beautiful.

34. as the children were exhausted, they fell asleep at once.

=the children,_______ , fell asleep at once.

35. ________ (give) more attention, the cabbages could have grown better.

36. the actress came in, _________(follow) by her fans.

37. she sat by the window,________ (lose) in thought.

答案:33.seen 34.exhausted 35.given 36.followed 37.lost



要点1 recommend

【例题】 his english teacher recommends that he _______a regular degree program.

a. begins    b. begin    c. will begin   d. is beginning

解析:recommend that sb.  should do “建议某人做某事”,that和should可以省略。



(1)recommend that ab.  (should) do建议……

she recommended that we (should) avoid giving offense.


(2)recommend doing建议做……

the manufacturers recommend changing the program.


(3)recommend sb.  to do sth.建议某人做某事

i recommend you to wait.我劝你等一等。

(4)recommend sb. /sth. (to sb. ) (for sth./as sth.)推荐;推举

i recommended him for the job. 我推荐他做那项工作。

can you recommend a good dictionary to mary?


 要点2 shade

【例题】 the trees in the garden provide plenty of_______ .

a. shadow   b. shade   c. shades    d. shake




(1)n. 荫;阴凉处

they sat in the shade of a tree.



there is not enough light and shade in your drawing.



ken was just a shade too honest about his feelings.


it is a word with many shades of meaning.



i shaded my eyes with my hand. 


shade this area to represent the person’s shadow.




the shadows of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on.


the shadow of a greater economic crisis loom large in most of the developed countries in the world. 


have shadows under or around the eyes


the dog is your shadow.这只狗与你形影相随。

you can’t spend your life chasing after shadows.


要点3 sort

【例题】he is the _______ of man who is always cruel to animals.

a. pattern   b. sort   c. various   d. sample

解析:句意为“他是那种对动物总是很残忍的人”。表示一类,用sort; pattern“式样;方式;模式”;various“各种”是形容词;sample“样品”。




he’s a sort of people who’re incapable of deceiving you.


this is the sort of thing that geoffrey loves.


(2)sort of “某种程度,有几分,有点”。

i sort of thought this might happen.



we must sort out the good apples from the bad. 



要点1 contribute to

【例题】 (湖北八校,34)eating too much fat can_______ heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

a. result from      b. contribute to

c. attend to      d. devote to

解析:本题考查词组辨别。contribute to“有助于;促使”,相当于cause。attend to指“照料,护理;(医生)治病”;devote to中的devote为及物动词,应后接宾语;若用result from“起因于,因……而引起”,应表达成:heart disease and high blood pressure result from eating too much fat.




a great amount of money was contributed to be tsunami stricken areas by people from all walks of life.


he didn’t contribute anything to world peace.



i contributed several poems to a literary magazine.



a proper amount of exercise contributed to good health.


drink contributed to his ruin.


要点2 come into being

【例题】 the first workers’ own party _______ in the 1870s.

a. set up      b. was came into being

c. came into being    d. was found

解析:set up“建立”,这里要用被动形式;come into being“形成”,不及物,不能用被动形式;found为动词,表示建立,被动形式应为was founded。


要点3 call up

【例题】 the sound of happy laughter  memories of his childhood. 

a. called for     b. called on

c. called at     d. called up

解析:句意为“欢乐的笑声勾起了他对童年的回忆”。call for“需求”;call on“命令,要求”;call at“拜访某地”;call up“使……回忆起”。




he called me up yesterday.他昨天打电话给我了。


the music calls up old times.



he was called up right at the beginning of the war.



要点1 no matter + wh-clause

【例题】 (天津,5)he tried his best to solve the problem,_______ difficult it was.

a. however     b. no matter

c. whatever     d. although

解析:句意为“不管有多困难他都要尽力解决问题”。however=no matter how, whatever不能修饰形容词。



no matter + wh-clause可以引导让步状语从句,从句应用陈述句语序。相当于wh-ever,但是wh-ever还能引导名词性从句。

whenever/no matter when you leave the room, don’t forget to turn off the gas.


no matter who told you about some news, you can’t make any comment on it before you check it up.


Poems 篇2

the second period

teaching aims:

1. learn the following words and expressions: call up, glory, pattern, belong to, absence, translate, come into being, play with, despite, time, remind…of, lesd to

2. learn about poets and poems of different countries.

3. improve the students' reading ability.

teaching important points:

1. the usages of some useful words and expressions.

2. the similarities and differences between the chinese and english poets and poems.

teaching difficult point:

how to grasp and remember the detailed information of the reading material.

teaching methods:

1. fast-reading to grasp the main idea of the text.

2. talking method to get every student to want to express himself in english.

3. pair work or group work to get every student to join in the class activities.

teaching aids:

1. a tape recorder

2. a computer

3. a projector

teaching procedures:

step i greetings and revision

(teacher greets the whole class as usual and checks the students' home work.

then teacher and the students learn the new words of this period together. )

step ii reading

(a few minutes later.)

t: are you ready?

sa : yes.

t: who will give us the answers?

sa: i’ll try. the style and atmosphere in the poems by wordsworth, byron,    shelly and keats often remind readers of du fu and li bai.

sb: the works by donne and marvell reminds chinese readers of su dongpo.

t: very well. now read the text again, and try to grasp as much detailed in    formation as you can. then do the exercise on the screen.

(teacher shows the screen. )

read the text carefully and choose the best answer for each of the following questions:

1. modern english came into being from about the middle of the_____ century.

a. 16th     b. 17th     c. 18th     d. 19th

2. the poetry of marvell reminds chinese readers of the poems by_______.

a. du fu           b. li bai

c. su dongpo       d. gou moruo

3. byron's “isles of greece” is an example of_______.

a. a sonnet           b. romantic poetry!

c. nature poetry      d. modern poetry

4. the wider public in china discovered english poetry at the beginning

of the_________ century.

a. 17th       b. 18th      c. 19th      d. 20th

5. the advantage of reading english poetry in chinese translation is______.

a. that you have more advice

b. that something of the spirit is lost

c. that you understand it better

d. that you learn how to express yourself in new ways

suggested answers:

1. a   2. c   3. b  4. d   5. d

t: you've done very well. by the way, have you noticed that there are some

bold words in the text? read the text again and find out what the 'words in

bold refer to. if necessary, you can have a discussion with your partner. some minutes later, we'll check the answers.

(students begin to read the text and have a discussion. after a few minutes,

teacher says the following. )

t: can you find the answers? (ss: yes.)

please tell us.

sc :“that”in the first paragraph refers to “poetry plays with sounds, words and grammar”。

sd :“its” in the fourth paragraph refers to“the poetryn’ s” .

se : “their” refers to “the nature poems by  wordsworth, byron's isles of greece and the sonnets and long poems by shelley and keats”。 and it is in the fifth paragraph, on page 28.

sf : “they”in the sixth paragraph refers to “modern poets”。

sg :“they” in the third line from the bottom of the last paragraph refers to

“poems and literature”。

t: are there any different opinions?

ss : no, they are right.

t: (teachers shows the screen.) there are some language points you should

pay attention to. read the sentences and try to master the usages of the

words and phrases.

1. play with: the little boy is playing with his dolls.(in the text“play with the sounds , words and grammar”means “to use sounds , words and grammar perfectly”。)

2. call up.. i called up my brother and told him the good news.

he was called up at the beginning of the war.

3. despite: he came to school despite (in spite of) his serious illness.

4. time: in his speech, he expressed the feelings of the time.

5. belong to: Chinese Taiwan belongs to china.

6. absence: darkness is the absence of light.

7. remind…of…remind me of the letter.

8. lead to: differences of opinion led to fierce arguments.

9. come into being: when did the great wall come into being?

step iii listening and reading aloud

t: now let's listen to the tape. when i play it for the first time, just listen. then i'll play it for the second time. this time, you can follow it in a low voice. then read the text aloud, paying attention to your pronunciation and

intonation. do you understand? ok. let's begin.

(teacher goes among the students, answers the students' questions and       corrects the mistakes.)

step iv discussion

t: now please turn to page 29,post-read-ing 4、5 and 6. have a discussion about

them. later, i'll ask some of you to give us the answers.

(after a while. )

t: who'll give us the answer to the fourth?

s1 : i'll try. if a poem is translated into another language, it's changed a bit. that's to say, something of the spirit of the original works is lost.

t: quite right. let's compare a poem by chao zhi with its translation.

(teacher shows the screen. )







they were boiling beans on a beanstalk fire,

came a plaintive voice from the pot,

“ (    ),why since we sprang from the selfsame root,

should you kill me with anger hot?”

t: from the poem above, we can find that when a poem is translated into another language, its rhythm and rhyme, the figures of speech, etc. are different

from the original work…

suggested answers to ex. 5 and ex. 6 :

5. they can be ties that bring the east and the west together and fine wine

enjoyed by the east and the west.

6. it means that when people from one country read the poems from another, they will be struek by what is inside the poem, so they will understand each other and become good friends.

step v summary and homework

t: today we're learnt a text about poems and poets. read the text after class and       collect as much information about the things and persons mentioned in the text as possible. then do ex. 3 on page 29. besides, we've learnt some useful words and expressions. please tell me what they are.

ss: play with, call up, despite, time,…

(teacher writes them on the blackboard.)

t: please remember the words and expressions and make sentences with them when you have time. that's all for today. class is over.

step vi the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 4 a garden of poems                  the second period

english poetry

useful words and expressions:

play with      absence

call up         remind…of

despite        lead to

time            come into being

belong to

step vii record after teaching





Poems 篇3

the fifth period

grammar: the past participle used as adverbial

teaching aims:

1. enable the students to master the usage of the past participle when it is used as adverbial.

2. enable the students to master the transformation between the past participle phrase and the adverbial clause.

teaching important points:

1. how to use the past participle

2. how to tell the difference between the present participle and the past participle.

teaching difficult point:

how to choose the present participle and the past parthciple.

teaching methods:

1. comparision method to get the students to know how to use the participle clearly.

2. discussion method to get the students to master what they've learned.

3. pair work or group work to make the students active in class.

teaching aids:

1. a computer

2. a projector

teaching procedures:

step ii greetings

greet the whole class as usual.

step ii revision and presentation

t: in the third period of unit 4, we learned the past participle used as attributeand adverbial. now look at these sentences. can you tell me which past participle is used as attribute and which is used as adverbial?

(show the following on the screen.)

1. most of the artists invited to the party were from south africa.

2. given more attention, the trees could have grown better.

3. the professor came into the classroom, followed by his students.

4. the first textbooks written for teaching english as a foreign language

came out in the 16th century.

ss: yes, we can.

t: who can tell us in the first sentence what the past participle is sued as?

s1:i know. it is used as attribute, modifying the noun “artists”。

t: yes. ok. li lu, you try, please.

s2: i think it is used as adverbial in the second sentence.


s3: it is used as adverbial in the third sentence, too.

t: (to the rest of the class.) is that right?

ss: yes.

t: good. no problem. now, the last sentence. who knows?

s4: let me have a try. i believe it is used as attribute. it modifies “ the first


t: (ask another student.) do you agree with him/her?

s5: no, i don't think so. i think it is used as adverbial.

t: yeah, now, we have two different opinions. which one is correct? whose      opinion do you agree with?

ss: the first answer is correet. it is used as attribute, not adverbial.

t: why?

ss: because it modifies the word, “textbooks”。

t: good. it is used as attribute. i agree with the first student.

step iii explanation

t: we know that the past participle can be used as adverbial. now look at these sentences on the blackboard.

(teacher writes the following on the blackboard.)

1. don't speak until spoken to.

2. given more time, we could do the work much better.

3. destroyed by the earthquake, the house had to be rebuilt.

t: what are these past participle used us?

ss: they are all used as adverbial.

t: yes, you're right. and we know that the past participle used as adverbial      can express different adverbials, such as: time, cause, condition, manner and      so on. do you know what the past participle in each sentence expresses? who     knows?

sa: the past participle in the first sentence expresses time. the second one       expresses condition. and the last one expresses cause.

t: very good. now, i'll give you a few minutes to discuss with your partner

about how to replace these past participles by using adverbial clauses.

t: (a few minutes later.) who'd like to try the first sentence?

sb: i'd like to. “don't speak until you're spoken to. ”

t:good. please sit down. what about the second sentence? who knows?

sc: i know. if we were given more time, we could do the work much better.

t: ok. sit down, please. now, the last sentence. who wants to have a try?

s: beeause the house had been destroyed by the earthquake, it had to be rebuilt.

t: good.

(teacher writes the sentences above on the blackboard.)

step vi comparison

t: as we all know, the past participle and the present partieiple can be used as adverbial, for example: (teacher writes the following examples on the

blackboard. )

1. seen from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.

2. seeing from the hill, we can see our beautiful school.

t: look at these two sentences carefully. can you tell us the difference between       them?

s: the first sentence uses the past participle as adverbial while the second       sentence uses the present participle as adverbial.

t: good. do you know why?

s: because the subject in the first sentence is “our school”, but in the second       sentence the subject is “we”。

t: very good. when we are using participles, we should pay attention to the       subjects in the sentences, and the participle we use must have the same logical subject as the subject in the sentence. if the subject in the sentence receives the action, we should use the past participle as adverbial; if the subject in the sentence does the action, we should use the present participle as adverbial. do you nderstand?

ss: yes.

step v practice

t: look at the sentences on the screen. join each of the following pairs of

sentences turning one of them into a participle phrase and making other

necessary changes. do it in pairs or groups. example: we were disturbed by the        noise and had to finish the meeting early.

→disturbed by the noise, we had to finish the meeting early.

rewrite the sentences, using the past participle.

1. they were surprised at the idea and began to discuss it among themselves.

2. mary was much interested and she agreed to give it a try.

3. i was deeply moved, and thanked them again and again.

4 the two men were delighted and they thought up many other ideas, too.

5. we had been taught by failure and mistakes and have become wiser.

6. i was shocked at the waste of money and decided to leave the company.

7. he was persuaded by his friends to give up smoking and threw his remaining cigarettes away.

suggested answers:

1. surprised at the idea, they began to discuss it among themselves.

2. much interested, mary agreed to give it a try.

3. deeply moved, i thanked them again and again.

4. delighted, the two men thought up many other ideas, too.

5. taught by failure and mistakes, we have become wiser.

6. shocked at the waste of money, i decided to leave the company.

7. persuaded by his friends to give up smoking, he threw his remaining

cigarettes away.

t: ok. now look at the screen. let's do more exercises. you may discuss with

your partner.

(teacher shows the following on the screen.)

choose the best answers:

1. ______some officials, napolean inspected his army.

a. followed

b. followed by

c. being followed

d. having been followed

2.__________ by his teacher, he has made great progress in his lesson* *.

a. helped          b. to help

c. helping         d. help

3. the computer center, ________ last year, is very popular among the     students in this school.

a. open                   b. opening

c. having opened          d. opened

4. the visitor expressed his satisfaction,___________ that he had enjoyed

his stay here.

a. having added          b. to add

c. adding                d. added

5.___________ in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.

a. losing          b. having lost

c. lost            d. to lose

6.__________ his telephone number, she had some difficulty getting in touch

with bill.

a. not knowing

b. knowing not

c. not having known

d. having not known

7. if_________ the same treatment again, he is sure to get well.

a. giving       b. give

c. given        d. being given

8.        in 1636, harvard is one of the most famous universities in the united states.

a. being founded

b. it was founded

c. founded

d. founding suggested answers

1. b  2. a  3. d  4. c  5. c  6. a  7. c  8. c

(teacher then asks some students to do them one by one.)

step vi test

t: now let's have a test. complete the following sentences. write your answers on        a piece of paper. later, we'll check it together.

(teacher uses the micromedia equipment to show the following on the screen.)

complete the sentences:

1._______ (只要看一次),it can never be forgotten.

2._______  (被认为是这个城市里面最好的),the factory was given a medal.

3._______ the visitor came in ,________(后面跟着一群年轻人)。

4._______ (在党的领导下),the people have improved their living conditions greatly.

5._______(在她的话的鼓励下),the boy later went up to his teacher and said “sorry”。

6. if_______(加热)to a high temperature, water will change into vapour.

7._______ (从太空中望去),the earth is a water covered globe.

8. the object on the table is a fan ______ (由羽毛制成的)。

suggested answers:

1. once seen

2. regarded as the best in the city

3. followed by a group of young fellows

4. led by the party

5. encouraged by her words

6. heated

7. seen from space

8. made of feathers

(a few minutes later, teacher asks some students to say their answers. if        some students make any mistake, the teacher should give the correct answer        and give some explanation, too)

step vii summary and homework

t: in this class, we've discussed the use of the past participle. that is, how to use it and its transformation with the adverbial clauses. after class, we should         do more practice about this to master them. ok. time is up. so much for this clas. see you tomorrow.

step viii the design of the writing on the blackboard

unit 4   a garden of poems

the fifth period

grammar: the past participle

i. 1. don't speak until spoken to.

don't speak until you are spoken to.

2. given more time, we could do the work much better.

if we were given more time, we could do the work much better.

3. destroyed by the earthquake the house had to be rebuilt.

because the house had been destroyed by the earthquake, the house

had to be rebuilt.

ii. 1. seen from the hill, our school looks more beautiful.

2. seeing from the hill, we can see our beautiful school.

step ix record after teaching





Poems 篇4

unit 7  poems知识点整理

1. poem诗歌; poet 诗人;        poetry诗歌(总称)

2.  advice 【不可数名词】搭配:a piece of advice;  some advice give sb. some advice  给某人建议

3.  a crowd of +名词复数: 一群,一伙

4.  agree with sb/sth 同意某人的意见,想法,分析,解释;

agree to do sth  表示同意做某事

【名词】agreement  【反义词】disagree; disagreement(名词)

5.  take a shower淋浴;     take a bath: 洗澡

6.  adj.--n :high—height 高;    wide—width 宽;      long—length长;  deep-depth 深;  strong—strength强

7.  smile at sb冲某人笑;     a big smile  一个大大的微笑

8.  a crowd of +people一群人;    be crowded with挤满了

9.  not at all一点也不

water does not have any taste at all. =water has no taste at all.

【表示不客气】--thank you! --not at all.

10.  be worried about = worry about  为、担忧

you don’t have to worry about him. =you don’t have to be worried about him.

11.  newspaper stand  报摊

12.  rush out冲出去

13.  too...to... 的用法


too+adj./adv.+to do这个句型是too...to的最基本的常用句型。

如:这男孩年龄太小,不能上学。  the boy is too young to go to school.

这帽子太大,没法戴。   the hat is too large to wear.




go and wash your hands. (表命令) be quite, please. (please be quiet.)(表请求)

be kind to your sister.(表劝告) watch your steps.(表警告)

no parking. (表禁止)


1)以系动词be开头的祈使句,这种祈使句的常用结构:be+形容词 / 名词

be quiet / quick!                  be a good student!

be careful when crossing the street.


come in, please!                please open your books!

put them away!


let him do it by himself.           let me help you.           let’s go to the park.


1)be型【don’t be +其他成分(形容词、名词或介词短语)】

don’t be careless!            never be late again next time!

【注意】:①在这种句型中,be不能省略    ②否定副词not不可置于be之后

2)do型(don’t +动词原形+其他)

don’t believe him!            don’t worry!   never do it again!


a). let+宾语+not+动词原形+其他

let her not do that.                   let’s not think about it. it’s only a waste of time.

b). don’t+ let+宾语+动词原形+其他

don’t let jim do that.                 don’t let us go, please.

4) 在公共场合的提示语中,否定祈使句常用“no+名词 / v-ing形式”结构,表示“禁止做某事”。例如: no photos! 禁止拍照!      no parking!


1). 在表达请求或劝告时,有时为了表示委婉的语气,可以在句首或句末please,但是如果please加在句末,应用逗号将其与前面的部分隔开。

sit down, please.                     please look after the twins.

2). 在意思比较明显的情况下,可以把谓语动词省略。  this way, please.

3). 有时为了加强语气,可以在动词前使用do.   do be careful!一定要小心!

4). 有时为了强调对方,也可加上主语you,人名或everybody, anybody等不定代词。

you sweep the floor and i clean the window.       stand up, everybody.


put the shirt on the bed, jim.



1).祈使句为肯定句式,其反意疑问句表示请求时,通常用will you;表示邀请、劝说时,用won’t you。

be sure to write to us, will you? 你一定要给我们写信,好吗?

come to have dinner with us this evening, won’t you? 今晚来和我们一起吃饭,好吗?

2).祈使句为否定句式,其反意疑问句通常只用will you。例如:

don’t smoke in the meeting room, will you? 不要在会议室抽烟,好吗?

3). let开头的祈使句构成反意疑问句时,除let’s用shall we外,其它均用will you。例如:

let the boy go first, will you? 让个那男孩先走,好吗?

let’s take a walk after supper, shall we? 晚饭后我们去散步,好吗?




1) 形式一致(即yes与will保持一致;no与won’t保持一致)

2) 意思相反(即yes是 “不”的意思;no是 “是”的意思)。


--- don’t go out, please. it’s raining heavily outside.  请不要出去。外面雨下得很大。

---- yes, i will. i have to meet my brother at the airport.不行,我得去机场接我弟弟。

6. 祈使句与陈述句的并列使用


leave it with me and i will see what i can do. 把它留给我吧,我想想有没有办法

hurry up, or we’ll be late. 快点,否则我们要迟到了。



(二) 、感叹句的基本句型

【句型一】what + (a / an) + 形容词 + 名词 + 主语 + 谓语!

what a clever boy he is! (他是个)多么聪明的男孩啊!

what an interesting story it is! (这是个)多么有趣的故事啊!

what fine weather it is! 多好的天气啊!

what beautiful flowers they are! (它们是)多么漂亮的花啊!

【说明】 在感叹句中,what a / an 常用来修饰单数可数名词,若其前面的形容词为元音开头,则用 an。what 是用来修饰复数可数名词和不可数名词。但有些不可数名词,如 rain, surprise, breakfast, lunch 等,当前面有形容词修饰,使抽象名词具体化时,则要用 what a / an,如:

what a heavy rain it is! 多大的一场雨啊!what a great surprise it is! 这多么令人惊奇啊!

what a rich breakfast it is! 多么丰盛的一顿早餐啊!

【句型二】how + 形容词 / 副词 + 主语 + 谓语!

how well you look! 你气色真好!    how kind you are! 你心肠真好!

how beautifully you sing! 你唱得真好听!    strawberries! how nice! 草莓! 多好呀!

how clever the boy is! 这个男孩多么聪明啊!   how fast he runs! 他跑得多么快啊!


how i want to be a doctor! 我多么想成为一名医生啊!  how she dances! 她跳得多好啊!


how +形容词+ a +名词+其他成分!


what +名词+其他成分!

what +a+形容词+名词+其他成分!

what + 形容词+复数名词+其他成分!

what + 形容词+不可数名词+其他成分!


①it’s an interesting film. 这是一部有趣的电影。

→what an interesting film it is! 这是一部多有趣的电影啊!

②it’s wonderful weather. 天气很好。

→what wonderful weather! 天气真好!

③he did the work carefully. 他做这工作很仔细。

→how carefully he did the work! 他做这工作多仔细啊!

④time passed quickly. 时间过得很快。

→how quickly time passed! 时间过得真快


1. 当其中的名词带有形容词的意味时【重点】

what luck! 真幸运!           what fools! 真是些笨蛋!

what a surprise! 真是意想不到!   what fun we could have! 我们玩得多开心啊

2. 当进行批评时

what nonsense! 一派胡言!    what a shame! 多可耻(惜)!   what a mess! 多么脏乱啊!

3. 当表示强调或夸张时

oh, what a lie! 啊,多大的谎言!    what a night! 多糟糕的一个晚上!

4. 当表示蔑视时

what a man he is! 那家伙算什么!

注:有时在没有上下文,意思可能不确定。如:what a day! 看这天气! (是褒是贬,视具体情况而定)



how i missed you. 我多么想念你啊。   how you’ve grown! 你都长这么大啦!

how you’ve changed! 你的变化真大!    how he wished for a drink! 他多希望能有点东西喝!


(1)要修饰名词的形容词不能是表数量的many, much, little, few,遇此情况要用how,即使它们后面跟有名词:

how many books he has!他的书真多!       how much money he gave her! 他给了她好多钱呀!

how little money i have!我的钱多么少呀!      how few friends he has! 他的朋友真少!

比较:what a little box it is! 多小巧的盒子呀!(该little不表示数量)


how fast!多快呀!       how nice! 多好呀!

how beautiful!多美呀!      how nice of you to come! 你来了真好!

Poems 篇5

module 6 book viii

the tang poems


教 学

目 标 1. get ss to learn about the tang poems, including the image, mood, rhyme, rhythm, subject, effect of a poem.

2. get ss to learn to talk about a poem.

重 点 analyse and talk about a poem.

教 学

过 程 step1. warm up

1. do you like chinese ancient poems?

2. what poems are the most famous in ancient china?

3. who can you first think of on mentioning the tang poems?

4. can you give some examples of their poems?

step 2. show some pictures of the three famous tang poets, and get the ss to guess who they are.

step3. read the poem a tranquil night and answer the questions

• who wrote the poem?

• what’s the topic/subject of the poem?

• what’s the mood of the poem?

• what images can you find in it?

• what’s the rhyming stile of the poem?

step4. match the words of factors of tang poems and their meanings.

step5. listen to a poem and answer the questions.

1. what’s the poem about?

2. how is the friend to travel?

step6. read the poem farewell to a friend by li bai and finish the following task.

1. try to translate it into chinese.

2. choose correct answers

3. fill in the blanks

step7. appreciation

a collection of english translation of tang poems
