

ink的意思 篇1

n. 墨水,油墨,(乌贼分泌的)墨液

vt. 给…上油墨(以供印刷、签订合同等),签名(在…上),涂油墨

变形:过去式: inked; 现在分词:inking; 过去分词:inked;

ink词组 | 习惯用语 篇2

printing ink 印刷用油墨

chinese ink 中国墨

ink jet 喷墨;墨水喷射

ink in adj. 上墨,用墨水在添画

red ink 红墨水;[喻]赤字

black ink 贷方;利润;赢利

water-based ink 水性油墨

ink cartridge n. 墨匣;墨水盒;油墨盒

ink roller 油墨滚筒

ink jet printer 喷墨印刷机

offset printing ink 胶版油墨

india ink 墨汁(等于Chinese ink)

ink stick 墨;中国墨

screen printing ink 筛网印花墨水

invisible ink 隐形墨水

ink tank 墨水罐

dry ink 干油墨;干墨笔

magnetic ink 磁墨水

ink bottle n. 墨水瓶

prepared chinese ink 墨汁

ink用法 篇3






There's an ink stain on your shirt.你的衬衫上有一个墨水斑。

He has run out of red ink.他的红墨水用完了。

He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.他对那把墨水倒翻在书上的孩子臭骂了一顿。





1、Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.


2、She dipped a quill in ink, then began to write.


3、The ink had run on the wet paper.


ink英语例句库 篇4

1.He accidentally knocked over an ink bottle.他无意中把墨水瓶打翻了。

2.The ink of cuttlefish beclouded the water.墨鱼汁把水弄黑了。

3.Most people now use ballpoints rather than ink.现在多数人舍墨水而使用圆珠笔了。

4.A blob of ink fell on the desk.一滴墨水掉到了写字台上。

5.Don't touch it before the ink is dry!墨迹未干!不要动它!

6.The ostracon has 5 lines of text in black ink.古陶片上有黑墨水写的五行字。

7.I changed the ink cartridges in my ballpoint pen.我换了圆珠笔里的墨水芯。

8.There is a blot of ink on the paper.纸上有一滴墨水渍。

9.The composition was scored with corrections in red ink.这篇作文用红笔批改过。

and read it before the ink is dry.立刻阅读它。

11.She messed up her new dress with blue ink.蓝墨水弄脏了她的新衣服。

12.Pigment is insolvable. So choose the ink which is easily dispersable.颜料是不能溶解的,所以请选择易分散的墨水。

13.We have a lot of pens, but we're shy on ink.我们有许多钢笔, 但墨水不够。

14.The small boy spoilt the picture by smearing it with ink.那孩子往画上抹墨水把画给毁了。

15.The applications thereof in UV curable coatings and photolitho inks are reviewed.综述了其在UV固化涂料和胶印油墨上的应用。

16.The teachers are used to circling the pupils' spelling mistakes in red ink.教师习惯于用红笔圈出学生的拼写错误。

17.Set up 3 coating modes and successfully resolve the coating problem of aquosity metal ink.设置三种涂布方式,成功地解决了水性金属油墨的涂布问题。

18.If oily be soiled, red blue ink waits for flyblow, answer to be cleaned instantly.如有油渍、红蓝墨水等沾污,应立即清洗掉。

19.You splashed fragmentary words in the corner with ink, and romanced out a summer without gurgitation.你泼墨了墙角残缺的欲言,于是就渲染出一个没有跌宕的夏天。

20.Automatic Cyclograph, Automatic Fiber Pen Line Ograph, Automatic Globoidal Lineograph, Automatic Penpoint And Ink Detector,Automatic Pencil Detector, Etc.书写划圆仪,纤维笔画线仪,弧面划线仪,笔头墨水检测仪,铅笔检测仪器…等
