

商务英语BEC应试技巧 篇1













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商务英语经验BEC商务英语高级答疑精选 篇2

学员liyf906:Dear Madam or sir,pls be kindly comments my homework. I presented it wrong to lesson 3 jsut now,pls forget that one and comments on this. Sorry for the confusion. lili The illustration shows consumer goods price development in 3 European countries over the past 25 years. The price in Germany,the lowest among 3,presents a general downward trend starting at 5% in 1971 and fluctuates over the next 16 years ,reaching the trough 0% at the beginning of 1986. Predically enough,the percentage goes up gradually within the next 9 years around 2%,which still below its starting points Comparing with UK,we see a level off in France,standing at 4% and with its highest point in 1984 at only 12% and no sharp movement has taken place in the rest of the year. Contrary to France,UK,the highest of the 3,has seen a dramatic fluctuation,starting at 20%,jumping even up to 25% in and collapsed to German starting level in 1985 at only 5%. While people is happy with the situation,there was a strong recovery in 1988 to 14%. Out of expectation,the price declined again to bottom out in 1994 at only 3% and climb up steadily after.

老师回复:The illustration shows consumer goods price development in 3 European countries over the past 25 years. The price in Germany,the lowest among THE 3 COUNTRIES,presents a general downward trend starting at 5% in 1971 and fluctuates over the next 16 years ,reaching the trough 0% at the beginning of 1986. Predically enough,the percentage goes up (2% )within the next 9 years ,which still below its starting points Comparing with THE UK,France SHOWED LITTLE CHANGE,standing at 4% and with its highest point in 1984 at only 12% and THERE ARE NO sharp movement in the rest of the year. Contrary to France,THE UK,the highest of the 3,has seen a dramatic fluctuation,starting at 20%,jumping even up to 25% in 1996 and collapsed to German starting level in 1985 at only 5%. While people is happy with the situation,there was a strong recovery in 1988 to 14%. Out of expectation,the price declined again to bottom out in 1994 at only 3% and climb up steadily after.



学员liyf906: Dear Madam,

here below is my homework with regard to a recommendation for training sessions,pls be kindly comments,many thanks in advance. lili Report on: Necessity of a one-day sales training session to staff of Automotive Sales Division Introduction: This reports sets out the recommend a one-day based sales training session for all staff in Automotive Sales Division. Findings Nowadays,with the ever increasing brisk development of Auto industry in China,its relevant auxiliary suppliers are also come under the fierce competition,so does our lubriants industry. To equip our sales team with the appropriate social communiation skills and necessary lubriants knowledge so to compete in today’s dynamic and fast developing market is a key challenge to us. Conclusion Therefore,a one-day training session with regard to the following courses are badly needed and reommended: 1) Full picture of today’s lubricant market and Company profile 2) lubricants basic knowledge 3) skills required during the telephone or face-to-face contact with clients From this training session,I do think our sales team can be well motivated and guided in the future sales work and the cost for training shall be more than covered by the business we will be able to attract and handled. Recommendation A survey to all the participants shall be launched beforehand,which focusing on the difficulties they ever encountered during the actual work so that the items whi

商务英语经验BEC高级A通过经验 篇3

查了BEC H的成绩,很惊讶地发现自己得了A,说实话,BEC考试那天状态不是很好,听听力的时候觉得没有像往常一样那么有信心,有些答案是不太确定的,所以没想过自己能得A,但是因为是英语专业的,所以在考试准备上可能比较沾光。考过CET4,650分以上,专四的成绩也还不错。
























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高级商务英语BEC谈判 篇4


Part I Objectives

· What you should know before negotiating

· 北美商务谈判须知

· Seven useful tactics in negotiation

· 谈判的七条战略

· Negotiation language focuses

· 谈判口语用法总结

Part II The How-Tos

What you should know before negotiating in US

Your business card will not be refused, but you may not always receive one in return. Try not to be offended--in the U.S., the rituals involved in exchanging business cards are sometimes not observed as closely as in other cultures.

The recipient of your card will probably place it into a wallet, which a man may put in the back pocket of his pants. This gesture is done for convenience and is not meant to be a sign of disrespect, as it might be in other cultures.

In many cases, business cards are not exchanged unless you want to contact the person later.

Usually, business is conducted at an extremely fast pace.

In a meeting, the participants will proceed with business after some brief, preliminary “small talk.”

Many Americans believe that their country is the most successful economic and democratic power, and assume that American ways are the “correct” ones. This attitude frequently leads to a lack of interest in or knowledge of other cultures.

Americans often know little of concepts such as “saving face” and the social niceties and formalities that are vitally important to other cultures.

The United States is a very ethnocentric culture, and so it is closed to most “outside” information. Thinking tends to be analytical, concepts are abstracted quickly, and the “universal” rule is preferred.

Regardless of the negotiator, company policy is always followed.

There are established rules for everything, and experts are relied upon at all levels.

The concept “time is money” is taken seriously in U.S. business culture, so always get to the point.

In the U.S.A., money is a key priority and an issue that will be used to win most arguments. Americans don't always realize that businesspeople from many other cultures rarely, if ever, sacrifice status, protocol, or national honour for financial gain.

In arguments, Americans will often emphasize their financial strength and/or indomitable position. Generally, they will use a majority vote unhesitatingly if they have it and will not spend much time seeking consensus. In many cases, they are willing to fire anyone jeopardizing their deal.

Americans regard negotiating as problem-solving through “give and take” based on respective strengths. They often are unaware that the other side may have only one position.

American businesspeople are opportunistic and willing to take chances. Opportunism and risk taking often result in Americans going for the biggest possible slice of the business, 100 % if possible.

U.S. salespeople sometimes bring final contracts to first meetings with prospective clients. In large firms, contracts under $10,000 can often be approved by one middle manager in a single meeting.

Be aware that the United States is the most litigious society in the world. There are lawyers who specialize in practically every industry and segment of society.

In negotiations, points are made by the accumulation of objective facts. This evidence is sometimes biased by faith in the ideologies of democracy, capitalism, and consumerism. The subjective feelings of the participants are not as much of a factor.

In general, people from the U.S. will not hesitate to answer “no.”

American businesspeople can be very blunt and will not hesitate to disagree with you. This approach often causes embarrassment to business travelers who are unaccustomed to dealing with Americans.

Although they are risk-takers, American businesspeople will have a financial plan which must be followed.

Often, American businesspeople try to extract an oral agreement at the first meeting.

Americans tend to dislike periods of silence during negotiations; they are used to making up their minds quickly and decisively.

Persistence is another characteristic you will frequently encounter in American businesspeople; there is a prevailing belief that there is always a solution. Moreover, they will explore all options when negotiations are at an impasse.

Anxiety often develops over deadlines and results. The work ethic is strong, so that it appears that Americans' lives revolve around work.

Refrain from discussing personal matters during business negotiations.

Consistency is another characteristic among American businesspeople: when they agree to a deal, they rarely change their minds.

Americans tend to be future oriented.

Innovation often takes precedence over tradition.

Golf is a popular sport, especially among businesspeople. Moreover, the golf course is often a venue for business discussions and deals.

Ethnic and social bias against some minorities does exist. Nevertheless, personal equality is guaranteed by law.

Traditional sex roles are changing rapidly, but women are still striving for equality in pay and positions of authority.

This culture stresses individual initiative and achievement. Moreover, Americans can also be very competitive in both work and leisure.

In the structure of the workplace, there is an inevitable inequality in employees' roles, but personal equality is guaranteed by law.

Although the United States is probably the most individualistic of all cultures, each employee is essentially replaceable in any workplace.

Outside of the office, Americans tend to be informal and insist on staying on a “first name basis.” Nevertheless, it's important to understand the office hierarchy, and a visitor should learn the rank and titles of all members of the organization.

商务英语BEC高级课文辅导 篇5

To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary

From: David Guan, Head of Research

Date: 1 May

Subject。 Urgent trip to subsidiary company

I have to make an urgent trip tomorrow, 2nd May 2001, to visit Pireer Blanco. Please book flight tickets and accommodation. In my absence, I would like you to handle all matters that do not need my personal decisions. Please inform all relevant colleagues.


商务英语经验过BEC高级经验 篇6

BEC Higher 总结分享帖






历来有个习惯,凡是备考用书,都不惜血本买正版的,教材和练习册等都是,这个不光顾学校门口“物美价廉”几可乱真的盗版书摊的动作主要是为了激励自己加油努力,取得好成绩,对得起付出的成本,于是报完名就花了100多块左右买了书,书单如下:新编剑桥商务英语(高级)学生用书(第三版)(附光盘),新编剑桥商务英语同步辅导(高级)(第三版),剑桥BEC真题集第3辑(高级),剑桥BEC真题集第4辑(高级),新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册:PASS BEC(中、高级)。虽然很多人说第三版的教材不如第二版的,但是我觉得存在即有道理,新版应该是有其进步的地方的,所以还是选择了第三版;同步辅导真的很棒,上面的背景知识很专业,相关问题的解答也很到位;另外,还在大家论坛下载了教师用书,因为有些教材上的答案只有教师用书里才有,个人觉得教师用书不用购买,下载一本看看足够。因为自己复习的起步时间真的比较晚,所以没什么时间大量做题,而且看到网上有人说只做第三第四辑就够了,就只买了这两本,人民邮电出版社的。另外,虽然论坛上有人强力抵制新东方,还是不得不说,由于自己没有报班学习,资源有限,所以偶得新东方的网络教程后便看了一遍,可能自己比较欠缺这方面资讯,看后真的还是觉得蛮有收获的。



总体而言,高级阅读部分的题量蛮大的,听说一些人答不完,to be honest,练习做真题时,可能由于所剩时间不多,自己有点小焦虑,答不完的情况也不是没有的,但是正是考试时,由于比较兴奋,反而速度很快,而且感觉良好;写作过程也是不错,挺顺手的,不管神马英语考试,自己都有一个写作原则,就是干净整洁,尽量不涂抹,因为根据经验涂抹的代价并不仅仅损失印象分~~由于考试整个过程超长,只允许在写作期间用自己考试时间上厕所,写完作文发觉时间尚足,还上了个厕所。回来检查一遍,紧张情绪减少许多,感觉自己应该可以挑战A,唉~~不过啊,自我感觉良好往往是噩梦的开始……







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商务英语BEC初级应试技巧 篇7


商务英语证书(BEC)考试分三个级别,初级(BEC Preliminary)针对大学英语二级或高中以上水平的学生,中级(BEC Vantage)则主要适合通过了大学英语四、六级的学生,同时也适合于从事国际商务的专业人士和公司的职员。商务英语高级(BEC Higher)由于对英语水平及商务知识都有较高的要求,证书含金量高,目前参加该级别考试的人数呈上升的趋势。


BEC初级考试时间分别为:阅读、写作90分钟,听力约40分钟(含填写答题卡时间),口试12分钟。下面拟从读、写、听、说四个方面分别介绍一下参加商务英语初级(BEC Preliminary)考试应该注意的问题以及相关的应试技巧。今天我们先来看看阅读技巧。






考生需要将问题和标有A到H的图表部分进行相应的配对。这部分考题主要测试考生理解、分析图表的能力。考生应该能够分析图表数据,了解图表之间细微的差别,同时理解各句子的准确含义,尤其是某些描述图表走势的动词短语,例如:“rose steadily”(稳定上升),“remained stable”(保持稳定),“decreased slowly”(缓慢减少),“reached a peak”(达到最高点)等描述图表用语。

(四)此部分的阅读材料是一篇100-150字的短文,主要测试考生对阅读材料细节的理解能力。这部分选择题的三个选项是固定的(A. Right, B. Wrong, C. Doesn't say)。题目的内容与原文一致时选A;不一致时选B;如果题目的信息在原文中没有提到,也没有针对性的句子证明它是对或错,则应选C。考生要特别注意B和C的区别:B 指文中有材料证明题目内容与原文不符,是错的,C则表示文中没有提到,其表述并不一定是错误的。



(七)这部分考题首先给出两篇短文,常以备忘录(MEMO)及广告等形式出现。考生再根据这两篇短文包含的信息完成后面一张表格的填空。表格内有五个空白栏,考生必须填上一个单词、一个数字或一个词组。这部分考题测试的是考生获取相关信息并且准确完成表格填空的能力。需要提醒考生注意的是,考题要求第三点里的“in CAPITAL LETTERS”,意为用大写字母填写答案,这一要求很容易被考生忽略,所以考生务必要认真阅读考题要求,不能有半点遗漏。





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商务英语BEC高级课文辅导 篇8

To: Alice Hu, Personal Secretary

From: David Guan, Head of Research

Date: 1 May 2001

Subject: Urgent trip to French subsidiary

I’ll visit Pierre Blanco in Paris on 2 May 2001 in the afternoon. Please book me return flight tickets and accommodation at Hilton Hotel for my three-day visit. In my absence, you should schedule and then fax me the arrangements for next week.

V. Oral Practice

Training Opportunities

l How important is it to you to be offered opportunities for training in a job?


It’s very important because ongoing training can guarantee that employees have necessary skills to meet the requirements of the job.

l What do you think makes a training course effective?


First, a qualified and experienced teacher can make the course effective. A further factor is to satisfy staff needs.

(location, materials, audio-visual aids)

l How do you think employees should be selected to attend training courses?


All new staff should receive orientation programme to facilitate their job. For ongoing training, HR Department can carry out opinion surveys among staff to include as many staff as possible.

l Do you think employees should contribute towards the cost of training?

(Should employees pay some of the cost of their training?)


I don’t believe so. Many big name companies now make full use of training as motivation. This will help retain staff and enhance staff loyalty to the company. So I reckon that companies not employees should contribute towards the cost.


l Do you prefer working on your own or as a member of a team?


I prefer to work in a team. Teamwork means that team members can swap ideas and offer help.

l Which do you think are more effective, small teams or larger teams?


I think small teams are very effective. Small teams can ensure better communication and fighting spirits.

l Do you think teams always need to have a leader?


Yes, I believe so. A team leader can allocate roles, chair regular meetings and set targets for the team.

l Do you think it is important for a team to have regular meetings?


Definitely. At regular meetings, team members can swap ideas and ensure the flow of information.


1. Oral practice:

Advantages and disadvantages of each form of communication

(faxes, letters, e-mails, phone calls, memos, notes)

2. Self-study exercise 1 on page 15. You can check your answers against the key at the back of the book.


You are taking your annual holiday at the beginning of July and you will be out of the office for three weeks.

Write a memo of 40 –50 words to your secretary, telling him/her:

·when you are going on holiday and for how long;

·what should happen to your mail;

·what he/she should do in case of an emergency.

BEC商务英语高级句型练习 篇9

1.One section of the class was reading and the other section was writing.


重点词语:section n.部分,区

商务用语:section foreman 领班

all sections of poeple 各界人民

show sth. in section 把某物以断面显示出来

2.They were selected from many applicants.


重点词语:select vt.选择,挑选 adj.精选的

商务用语:a select club 选择会员严格的俱乐部

be select in choosing ones friends 谨慎择友

3.Ill send down to the kitchen for coffee.


重点词语:send vt.送,寄,发送,派遣,打发

商务用语:send away for 函购

send in an account 开送账单,报账

send by dispatch 把(某物)作快件送发

send to the hammer 拿出去拍卖

4.He received a heavy sentence.


重点词语:separate vt.分开 adj.分开的;不同的

商务用语:separate estate 独有财产










