Think back to a time in your life when you tried something new。的小编精心为您带来了中考英语阅读理解及解析(2(优秀9篇),希望能够帮助到大家。
Every morning my father buys a newspaper on his way to work. Every evening my mother looks through magazines at home. And every night, I look at the posters with photos of David Beckham and Yao Ming on my bedroom wall before I go to sleep. Can we imagine life without paper or print?
Paper was first created about 2,000 years ago, and has been made from silk, cotton, bamboo, and, since the 19th century, from wood. People learned to write words on paper to make a book. But in those days, books could only be produced one at a time by hand. As a result, they were expensive and rare. And because there weren’t many hooks, few people learned to read.
Then printing was invented in China. When printing was developed greatly at the beginning of the 11th century, books could be produced more quickly and cheaply. As a result, more people learned to read. After that, knowledge and ideas spread quickly.
Today information can be received online, downloaded from the Internet rather than found in books, and information can be kept on CD-ROMs or machines such as MP3 players.
Computers are already used in classrooms, and newspapers and magazines can already be read online. So will books be replaced by computers one day? No, I don’t think the Yao Ming poster on my bedroom wall will ever be replaced by a computer two meters high!
1.What does the writer do before he goes to sleep’?
A. He reads books. B. He reads newspapers
C. He looks through magazines D. He looks at the posters on the wall.
2.When was paper first created?
A. About 2.000 years ago. B. In the 19th century.
C. About 1.000 years ago. D. In the 11th century.
3.Why were books expensive and rare before the invention of printing?
A. People could not read.
B. People could not write words on paper.
C. People could not find silk, cotton or bamboo.
D People could only produce books one at a time by hand
4.What happened after books became cheaper?
A. People didn’t want to buy books.
B. Printing was invented in China.
C. Knowledge and ideas spread quickly.
D. The Internet was introduced to people soon
5.What is the writer’s opinion about books and computers’?
A. People won’t need books any more
B. Books won’t be replaced by computers.
C. People prefer to find information in books.
D. Computers have already replaced books.
可以通过反复精做一篇阅读,直到全对,不断总结、调整和强化获取表层信息及内在信息或猜测、推理、判断、概括的能力;还要善于找关键句,在很多文章里第一段和每段的第一句往往是关键句,可以帮助同学们理解整个文章的主题或某一段的概括。在阅读中,要注意抓住中心思想(Main idea),以及文中出现的who、where、when、what及why等关键词。
Beauty sleep is a real thing, researches have shown that people who haveenough sleep look more attractive (有魅力的) to others.
A few bad nights is enough to make a person look "especially" more ugly,their sleep experiments show.
The researchers asked 25 university students to join in their sleepexperiment. They were asked to get a good night's sleep for two nights.
A week later, they were asked to sleep for only four hours every night fortwo nights in a row.
The researchers took make-up free (素颜) photos of the volunteers after boththe good and the bad sleep.
Next, they asked 122 strangers to have a look at the photos and judge (评价)them on attractiveness, health, and sleepiness, as well as asking them: "Howmuch would you like to make friends with this person in the picture?"
The strangers were good at judging if the person they were looking at wastired, and, if they were sleepy, their attractiveness score was low.
The strangers also said they wouldn't want to socialize with the tiredstudents. The researchers say this is natural for people. An unhealthy-lookingface makes people run away. In other words, people don't want to hang aroundwith people who might be ill.
Dr. Brewer, an expert at the University of Liverpool said "Judgement ofattractiveness is often unconscious (无意识的), hut we all do it, and we are able tojudge on even something small like whether someone looks tired or unhealthy.This study is a good reminder of how important sleep is to us."
35、 When did the researchers take make-up free photos?
A. After two nights good sleep.
B. After two nights bad sleep.
C. Before the experiment.
D. After both two nights good sleep and two nights' had sleep.
36、 The researchers asked the strangers to do the following except_______.
A. telling who looked healthier
B. telling who didn't have many friends
C. telling who missed a lot of sleep
D. telling who was attractive
37、 What kind of friends did the strangers like to make?
A. The people who were tired.
B. The people who were sleepy.
C. The people who were unhealthy.
D. The people who were attractive and energetic.
38、 What does the underlined word "socialize "mean in Chinese?
39、 According to the passage, which of the following is the best title?
A. Beauty sleep, More attractive
B. More sleep, More Friends
C. Less sleep, Fewer friends
D. No attractiveness, No friends
If you like unusual places, you should visit the Hebrides Islands. Not many people live on these islands in the northwest of Scotland. The land is not good for farming. It’s only good for keeping sheep (绵羊)。 The winters are long, cold, and wet. It’s hard to make a living on the Hebrides, but for a visitor, these islands can be very special.
They’re not for everyone. Even summer days are cool and often windy. The water is too cold for swimming. There are only a few trees and green fields. Instead of fields, there are just rocks and small plants. The hills, too, are just piles of rocks. Sometimes the view (风景) looks like pictures of the moon.
But there is beauty in this place. From the beach you can often see all the ways to the rocky hills. From the hills you can see far out to other islands and the open ocean. The colors, too, are special. Blue is everywhere. It’s in the sky and in the ocean. In the spring there is also green in the hills. In the summer and winter the hills are more purple.
On these islands you can forget about the rest of the world. The evenings are quiet. The restaurants close early, and there isn’t any nightlife. Visitors stay at a guest house or a Bed. This is the best way to learn about life on the islands. The islanders are often friendly, and they like to talk.
If you want to meet islanders, you can also try the pubs (酒吧) or even the shops. People are in no hurry here. They like to chat about the weather or the fishing.
Do not come to the Hebrides for shopping. Come to walk in the clean, cool air. Come for the quiet beauty and for the views.
6.Are there many people living on the Hebrides islands?
7.How is the weather on the Hebrides in the summer?
8.What can you see from the hills when you are on the Hebrides?
9.Where do visitor stay for the night on the Hebrides?
10.According to the passage, what can we do on the Hebrides?
When you want to go shopping, decide how much money you can spend for new clothes. Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale(销售)。
There are labels(标签)inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash by washing in cold water. The label on a coat may say "dry clean only." Washing may ruin(损坏)this coat. If you do as the directions(说明)say on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best. Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check(核实)to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well made. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not always better made. They do not always fit(合身)better. Sometime less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
1.If you want to save money you can buy clothes that _____.
A. don’t fit you
B. don’t last long
C. need to be dry cleaned
D. can be washed
2.The label inside the clothes tell you______.
A. how to keep them looking their best
B. how to save money
C. whether they fit you or not
D. where to get them dry cleaned
3.The first thing for you to do before you buy clothes is ______.
A. to look for well-made clothes
B. to see how much money you can pay
C. to know how to wash them
D. to read the labels inside them
4.We learn from the reading that cheaper clothes ______.
A. are always worse made
B. must be dry cleaned
C. can not be washed
D. can sometimes fit you better
5.The best title(标题) for the reading should be ______.
A. Buying Less Expensive Clothes
B. Taking Enough Money When Shopping
C. Being a Clever Clothes Shopper
D. Choosing the Labels inside New Clothes
1、此题为理解题,从第二段Dry cleaning is expensive. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.可以看出C答案不对,又可以从第三段很容易判断出A和B不对。
2、此题为理解题,第二段的第二句话应该被看作主题句。从此句可以看出该题答案选择A。 一般说来,文章的段落常有概括中心思想的主题句,且多位于段首或段末,有时也会夹在中间。对无主题句的篇章,考生应对文章进行分析和归纳,然后概括中心思想。
Jupiter’s Moons and How They Travel
The many moons of Jupiter travel around the planet in differe nt directions (方向).
Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. Over the years, scientists have found that Jupiter has its own small solar system. Ea rth has one moon. Jupiter has at least sixte en and probably more.
Since there are so many moons, scientists began to number them. The numerals(numbers)tell the sequence, or order, in which the moons were found. They were slower to name the moons. All of Jupiter’s moons now have a name as well as a number.
The first five moons to be discovered are known as the “inner moons”。 But they are not the closest to the planet. The closest is only 127,600 kilometers away from Jupiter. All the inner moons circle the planet in counter-clockwise direction, that is, opposite of the hands of a clock.
Jupiter’s middle group of moons are at least 11,100,000 kilometers from the planet. They also move in a counter-clockwise motion (moving). The four farthest moons are at least 20,700,000 kilometers away. These are called “outer moons”。 They circle in a clockwise motion.
How many more moons do you think will be discovered?
1.What does “solar system” in this article mean?______
A. 银河系 B. 宇宙空间 C. 流星雨 D. 太阳系
2.Things that travel in the same direction as the hands of a clock are said to be traveling in a______.
A. clockwise direction
B. counter-clockwise direction
C. same direction
D. different direction
3.Jupiter’s _____group of moons travel in a clockwise direction.
A. planets B. inner C. middle D. outer
4.The numbers given to Jupiter’s moons tell ______.
A. the order in which they were discovered
B. the order in which they travel
C. the order of their distance from Jupiter
D. the order of names
5.According to the passage,wh ich of the following statements is true?
A. None of Jupiter’s moons have names.
B. Most of Jupiter’s moons circle clockwise.
C. Jupiter’s inner moons were discovered first.
D. Jupiter is the nearest planet to the earth.
6.How far away are the middle group of moons from Jupiter?
A. It’s not mentioned.
B. 11,100,000 kilometers away.
C. 127,600 kilometers away.
D. 20,700,000 kilometers away.
1. 选D。文中介绍Jupiter(木星)是最大的行星,地球只有一个月亮,而木星至少有16个,甚至更多。由此可见,solar system即为太阳系,木星同地球一样都是太阳系中的行星。
2. 选A。“clockwise direction”指“顺时针方向”。文中对“counter-clockwise direction”的解释是“opposite of the hands of a clock”,即“逆时针方向”。
3. 选D。最远的四个月亮称为“outer moons”,它们以顺时针方向转。
4. 选A。由文中“The numerals(numbers)tell the sequence, or order, in which the moons were found.”这句话可知。
5. 选C。统观全文,可知选项A、B不符合文意,根据常识判断,选项D也不正确。再由环绕木星旋转的月亮团以依次发现的时间为序,由此推理可得出“the inner moons were discovered first”。
6. 选B。在文中可找到“Jupiter’s middle group of moons are at least 11,100,000 kilometers from the planet.”。根据这一句话的`意思,便可得知此题答案为B。
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