

小学生英语日记 篇1

On Sunday afternoon, in the painting class, the teacher asked us to draw a picture and give it to our mother. Because today is mother's day, the teacher said that he would give the painting to his mother. What can I draw for my mother? Usually, I like hamburgers best. Just draw hamburgers! I drew them very carefully. After class, I gave the painting to my mother. My mother said with a smile that I drew very much. She liked it very much.

小学生英语日记 篇2

i am very happy today for i had the chance to help the old people in our subdistrict. nowadays, many adults are busy with therir job and have no time to take good care of their old parents. i want to try my best to help the old come out of lonely life and now i can.

i will try my best to make the old people smile, i am sure i can do it。

英语日记 篇3

anuary 18,2011



The National Day that day, the air crisp, the square every lamppost hang flags, the first tree hanging from the lights, the square is dressed up more colorful. In the morning, in every corner of the square has been full of singing away.

On one side of the square, why so busy? Oh, here is a big stage, the stage a few graceful actor in singing and dancing. Whenever the stage after a performance, the audience's applause like flowing water continuously.

Look at the other side of the square, why more lively? Oh, there are many people in the activity! You see, the old people in exercise done of passion; Young people in the following table, singing, chat while walking, and the... Can be taken; The children like fish into the water, happy to play the game...

I like the National Day, I prefer the noisy, vibrant scene National Day!


在广场的一� 每当台上表演完一个节目时,台下的掌声就像流水一样连续不断。


The park at the back door of my house is really beautiful! I love the park at the back door of my house.

英语日记格式 篇4

Friday Feb.15th 20XX            sunny



1. 年、月、日都写时,通常以月、日、年为顺序,月份可以缩写,年用逗号隔开。例如:December 18, 2003或者Dec. 18, 2003。

2. 如果要写星期,星期要紧挨日期,它既可以放在日期前面,也可以放在日期后面,星期也可以省略不写。星期和日期之间不用标点,但要空一格,星期也可缩写。例如:Thursday Dec. 18, 2003或Dec.18,2003 Thursday

3. 天气情况必不可少。天气一般用一个形容词如:Sunny, Fine, Rainy, Snowy等表示。天气通常位于日记的右上角。


Mon.Sept. 1, 20XXSunny

Today is the first day of my senior high school life ...

小学生英语日记 篇5

Today is mother's day, I took part in the "I make the cake for my mother". The teacher told us a story about mother first, and then I realized the greatness of mother love.

And then we're going to go to the theme -- making the cake. The teacher gave each of us a piece of bread, and the cake chef told us the steps to make the cake first, and we did it. Put butter on the bread, I use a knife to scrape the cream, then the most interesting things to do, is to use different color and taste of cream on the cake draw cute design. I used a blueberry oil painting of hair, a chocolate-flavored oil painting eye, and a strawberry oil painting nose and mouth. Then a small cake is finished.

I gave it to my favorite mom, and although the cake wasn't very good, my mother said, "it makes more sense for you to make the cake yourself!"

小学生英语日记 篇6

Yesterday, I went to the library with my class. We read books about animals. I learned about elephants. They are the largest land animals. They have big ears and long trunks. I want to see an elephant one day.

小学生英语日记 篇7

It's International Children's Day. We go to our headquarters to participate in games.

As soon as we arrived at school in the morning, Mr. Lu gave each of us a piece of game paper. I took the paper and went to other classrooms to play games with my classmates. We played bomb bunker, 56 nationalities laughing, self portrait, sticking nose... Each game was very interesting.

My favorite game is "stick your nose". The requirements of the game are: cover your eyes, turn around three times, go to the front of the portrait and stick your nose in the appropriate position. Many students pasted their noses on their chin, eyebrows, ears... And I pasted my nose correctly on the portrait with my feeling and got a smiling face.

I only got three smiling faces in this game, which is far from the standard of the game chapter. I want to train more at ordinary times and strive to achieve good results in the next game activity.

小学生游泳英语日记 篇8

Today, we go to the park. The scenery there is very beautiful, the steps and roads are very clean, the water in the river is crystal clear, and there are many people fishing on the bank. The grass on the lawn is green and luxuriant. Some flowers have opened, including red, yellow, purple, blue, butterflies and bees playing hide and seek among the flowers. How beautiful!

Many aunts are weeding and mowing the lawn. It is their hard work that makes Xihai park so beautiful.
