

傲慢与偏见英文读后感 篇1

the novel opens with the famous line, "it is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife."。 and ends with two marriages: jane and bingle39;s,as well as darcy and elizabet39;s.both couples are assumed to live happily ever after.

elizabeth (lizzy) bennet is the core of the family. elizabeth is the second of mr. and mrs. benne39;sfive daughters, and is an intelligent, bold, attractive twenty-year-old when the story begins. in addition to being her fathe39;sfavourite, elizabeth is characterized as a sensible, yet stubborn, woman. misled by his cold outward behaviour, elizabeth originally holds mr. darcy in contempt. however, she finds that mr. darcy improves on acquaintance, more so than she would expect.

fitzwilliam darcy (commonly known as mr. darcy) is the central male character and elizabet39;ssecond love interest in the novel. he is an intelligent, wealthy, extremely handsome and reserved 28-year-old man, who often appears haughty or proud to strangers but possesses an honest and kind nature underneath. initially, he considers elizabeth his social inferior, unworthy of his attention, but he finds that, despite his inclinations, he cannot deny his feelings for elizabeth. his initial proposal of marriage is rejected because of his pride and elizabet39;sprejudice against him; however, at the end of the novel, after their relationship has blossomed, he is happily engaged to a loving elizabeth.

role of women in the 18th century

in late-18th-century england, women were relegated to secondary roles in society with respect to property and social responsibilities. for example, women were not permitted to visit new arrivals to the neighbourhood (such as mr. bingley in pride and prejudice) until the male head of their household had first done so. women were under enormous pressure to marry for the purpose of securing their financial futures and making valuable social connections for their families. therefore, marriage, though romanticised, was in many ways a financial transaction and social alliance rather than a matter of love. although jane austen did not condone loveless marriages (she stayed single all her life), she did approve of matches having equality in various respects, including wealth, social status, love and character. in pride and prejudice, wealth, social status, chastity (and the perception of chastity) and physical attractiveness are depicted as factors affecting a woma39;schances for a good m

爱情小说《傲慢与偏见》读后感英文版 篇2


Pride and Prejudice is a novel written by the famous English writer, Jane Austen, who was the sixth children in a family of seven and was born in the village of steventon in Hampshire in 1775 and died of Addison’s disease in 1817. The book first published on 28 January 1813 by the bookseller Thomas Egerton who had also published Sense and Sensibility, the original version of the novel was written in 1796-1797 under the title First Impressions .

Pride and Prejudice is a love story, mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy. It divided into 2 volumes and is composed of 42 chapters altogether. The major characters are Mr. Darcy, A rich and proud young man. Elizabeth, the second eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet. Mr. Bingley , A rich young bachelor. Jane, the first daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Bennet. The story begin with Bingley’s arrival. One day when Mrs.Bennet hear Bingley has taken Netherfield, a house near her’s. She is so happy and arranged one of her five daughters marriage with him. At a ball, luckly, Bingley and Jane fall in love at the first sight. Darcy, a friend of Bingley’s , was attracted to Elizabeth, a lively and spirited girl. But Darcy greatly offends her by his supercilious behavior and this dislike is increased by Wickham, a dashing young militia officer of the unjust treatment he has met with at Darcy's hands. One day when Darcy and Bingley’s two sisters disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs. Bennet and her two youngest daughters, effectively separated Bingley and Jane. Meanwhile, Collins, a cousin of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, married charlotte, a friend of Elizabeth’s, for Elizabeth’s refuse to marry him. But One day Darcy send Elizabeth a letter, in which he justifies the separation of his friend Bingley and Jane and make it clear that Wickham is. So Elizabeth changed her opinions and ideas toward him. Once when Elizabeth visited her uncle and aunt in the north of England, she met Darcy there and witnessed his changes through series of behaviors, no longer pride and become gentle and attentive, all these made their marriage arranged, and they also suitably provided for Bingley and Jane’s reunited and engaged. The story ends with both their happy marriages.

My point of view towards the masterpiece of Jane Austen’s is that this novel reflects the English human sentiment of the end of 18th century and the early of 19th century under the circumstance of conservative,and tells us the difference ways and attitudes to marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Bennet’s five daughters’. Thereby reveal the author herself attitude towards marriage, that is love and marriage based on money, property and social status is not perfect, but it is also stupid Without considering all of these. There, the author emphasize the importance of ideal marriage, meanwhile, to be opposed to love & marriage based on money or property and to be opposed to people’s laugh love & marriage off. The author takes the affection/love as the cornerstone of ideal marriage between male and female. Elizabeth as the leading character in this novel, was born in the family of squireen’s, and is loved by Darcy. Darcy propose marriage to her in spite of difference in the possession of property and social status, but is refused by Elizabeth for his pride , the novel demonstrate that if the pride of Darcy’s existed , there will be no love and also happy marriage between Elizabeth and he, it is really nice that Elizabeth witness the changes of Darcy’s through series of behavior in the following days. viewing that he is no longer pride and then eliminating her prejudice to him, finally engaged with him and leading a happy marriage. The author described that female is in pursuit of independent personality and equal right through several different attitudes of Elizabeth for Darcy’s propose marriage. Meanwhile, demonstrate Elizabeth’s independent understanding for a happy marriage. In this article, the writer described several unperfect marriages of Elizabeth’s sisters and close friends, aimed at making a sharp contrast with Elizabeth’s beatific marriage and revealed that marriage without love but base on social status and property actually is a kind of public tragedies. Humorous, ironical, polished language and real storyline is also occurred in this article.

傲慢与偏见英文版读后感字 篇3


Reaction to Pride and Prejudice

Outline: writing background

Primary coverage

Analysis of major characters

The marriages of four couples

My view on marriage and love

Body:As we all know, if you know something about the author's background, you will appreciate the book on a profounder and better level. The book first published in 1813, as Jane Austen’s second novel, she started it 1796 as her first persevering effort for publication. She finished the original manuscript by 1797 in Steventon, Hampshire, where she lived with her parents and siblings in the town rectory. Austen originally called the story First Impressions, but it was never published under that title; instead, she made extensive revisions to the manuscript, then retitled and eventually published it as Pride and Prejudice. Austen in this novel was full of wit and humor reflected the late eighteenth Century, early nineteenth Century British country customs and living ways of the world, to give the art of imagination.(writing background)

The book is mainly to tell the four couples’ marriages in eighteenth Century. One of the most important is naturally occurred between actress Elizabeth Bennet and actor Fitzwilliam Darcy about their hate and love. Elizabeth is a courageous, beautiful, smart, sturdy and lovable middle-class woman who pursues true love ignoring money and power. The story develops mainly relies on Elizabeth and Darcy, from the beginning of aversion to respect then love. Also, alternates in stories happen around Elizabeth’s happy or unhappy marriages to reveal the author’s hope living in true love at that era. The heroine Elizabeth first saw the male protagonist Darcy is not pleasing to her eyes, plus Darcy’s pride character causes Elizabeth to have prejudice against him. Darcy is unpopular arrogant man, even in the surrounding filled up cold relationship. For him, pride may be rational, however; prejudice may be heartless, both of which impact is unavoidable. Between two people there are often quarries and misunderstandingsconcerning Darcy’s pride and Elizabeth’s prejudice at the start. But after the events of clarification, they develop a little affection gradually. Darcy represents the “pride”, Elizabeth represents “prejudice”。 At first, they are all controlled by their bad emotions------“pride and prejudice”。 Then a series of unfavorable rumors to Darcy make Elizabeth have a stronger objection to him. when Darcy proposes to Elizabeth but is rejected, he says:” If I play a little means, my inner contradictions disguised, blindly to compliment you, make you believe me both in the understanding, thinking and other aspects, is all for you with unconditional pure love, maybe you will not have these harsh scold. Unfortunately, no matter what kind of camouflage, I hate. ” Darcy has not changed his arrogant disposition in order to please Elizabeth, Elizabeth shows herself truly as well. Neither of them is deliberately to create good impressions, but is truly to show their inner sides. Elizabeth has been living in her own prejudice and ignored the truth, after Darcy’s interpretation and her judgment, finally found happiness.(Primary coverage)

关于傲慢与偏见读后感精选 篇4



作者的语言虽然幽默轻松,却在无形中对某些社会风尚,风俗习惯进行了深刻的接露和批判。一:有钱的单身汉搬到一个新的地方,人们不管他的人品如何,性情如何,见解如何,便将他看做女儿的一笔财产。想方设法的接近,然后把女儿嫁给他。自私,片面,带有形而上学色彩。作者用讽刺幽默的笔调揭露了当时的社会丑态,增加了小说的现实意义。二:男女主人公仅贫第一面就对彼此产生了不好的印象,一个偏见,一个傲慢。在经历了好多事之后伊丽莎白终于发现达西是正直善良的人,而达西也发现伊丽莎白是个端庄,美丽的女孩。中国有句古话叫:“路遥知马力,日久见人心”我们不能通过一面或别人的一句话就对某个人做出评价,这样的评价就太不客观,太局限,太不科学了!三:班纳特太太一心一意只为财产和地位着想,不顾女儿的真正幸福,看着让人觉得心酸,无耐!当婚� 作者用细腻的文笔勾勒出的活灵活现的人物,他们有不同的背景,不同的思想,不同的修养!但他们却以他们的方式演绎自己的百态人生!如你,如我,亦如他!

傲慢与偏见英文读后感 篇5

After a term’s reading, I finished ten more books, however, what impressed me most is Jane Austen and her two classical books.

In China maybe we all know LiQingzhao, a great female poet whose poetry are full of the emotions from the bottom of her heart. However, in England the figure maybe is my most admirable authoress Miss Austen who can never have too many respects from the common people just like me. After read her two masterpieces of books Pride and Prejudice and Sense and Sensibility, I feel so proud of being female to see a world-famous authoress using her independent thoughts, humor words to show us the relationship between the so-called superiors and the lower-class.

At that time, neither in the east nor in the west, it is not so easy for a woman to become a great figure with literary reputation. In China Li made it, while in England Miss Austen with her unique characteristic also realized her dream after a long struggle with the temporal points. It seems that all in Jane’s life, she made a decision between sense and sensibility; once there was an old saying “Affection is desirable, money is absolutely indispensable.” She resolutely chose her true love but not a splendid life or a comfortable home, what a pity she can not marry the one she did not really love even a beloved one, in her short life, she finished six famous books with her heart and soul but never married and stayed single for ever.

When reading Pride and Prejudice, I wondered why the oldest sister in the Bennet family also was named Jane, is there any possibility Jane Bennet is the soul of Miss Austen; and Miss Austen expected to realize all the pity which can not come true in her real life, so Jane Bennet was pictured as prefect as possible to be the best of the five sisters.

It’s a classical book with abundant description of everyone’s inner heart, especially the changes in their hearts. It can never deserve too many analyses for it was so wonderfully worked. One can say anything but ordinary to show our respects and admiration.

The man said“I do not have that talent of conversing easily with people I have never met before.” The woman said“We all don’t know him.” The book is full of the man’s pride and the woman’s prejudice in its lines and words.

From his pride we can see his confidence and persistence; whereas from his pride we can’t see his kindness and gentleness which he hid behind the surface.

From her prejudice we can see her firmness and treason; whereas from her prejudice we can’t see her expectation and worries which she hid behind the surface.

So it gave us a beginning of the story of pride and prejudice and led us to Miss Austen’s emotion world. So wonderful a book, so classical a story, so prefect a happy ending made it never a problem whether his pride or her prejudice counted, because of love, all can be neglected.

In the book once the proud Mr Dracy talked about the traits an accomplished woman must have, it needed a thorough knowledge of music, singing, dancing, drawing and modern languages, and besides this, a certain something in her manner of walking, in her voice and her behaviour. What’s more, something more solid, the improvement of her mind by wide reading. It could never be too strict for a common woman to follow.

About the attitudes to the marriage, Charles Dickens in the Oliver Twist also showed us the opinions of that day, he said if a man has ambitions to enter politics, then he marries a woman with a stain on her name, over though it’s not her fault, it might spoil his chances of success in his life. ()The society is cruel, people might use the knowledge of his wife’s doubtful birth against him, and against his children, too. And one day, he might begin to regret his marriage.

But love is so great that nothing can conquer it, and in the Pride and Prejudice we see the type of classical love, if we say in the realization we are so sorry to see the over more interest lead us to forget what love is, what a pity when love is not so pure as it should be, what a pity when love is used as a medium of exchange.

To my happiness the books inflected Miss Austen’s marriage view, it is wrong to get married for property, money and states. She objects to getting married for money and regarding the marriage as a trifling matter. She also points that the man and the woman’s emotion is the foundation of an ideal marriage.

After reading it, I feel that I just want to turn Elizabeth who is ordinary but with special beauty, brave but with a little stubborn, though she is not a prefect woman our eyes, she does be a woman with prefect disadvantages. To the hero Mr Dracy, I feel that I just want to marry a gentleman like Mr Dracy who always puts his love deep in his heart, till the day he made sure that Elizabeth was the one he wanted to spend the rest time of the live. Under the handsome and gentle; proud and serious face, there was a kind heart full of love.

Pride is just like a piece of beautiful clothes which is luxurious and untouchable. However, the expense of pride is loneliness. Prejudice is just like the clouds floating in the sky with its freedom. However, the expense of prejudice is lost.

What I learnt from the books and Jane Austen is deeply printed in my mind and I should never forget Elizabeth and Mr Dracy’s prefect love story, they usefully influenced each other. His mind might have been softened and his manners improved by her sociability, and she might have learnt from his greater judgment and knowledge of the world. Just like a fairy tale, the price and princess have a happy live together, which I am looking forward.

傲慢与偏见英文版读后感 篇6


It is universally acknowledged that the eternal theme of Jane Austen’s novels is the choice people make for marriage partners, so is in Pride and Prejudice. Mrs. Bonnet had no other wish if her five daughters could get married as soon as possible with someone wealthy. At a dancing ball, it is obvious that Mr. Bingley could not help falling in love at the first sight with Miss Jane because of her stunning beauty. Mrs. Benne was so excited that she could not hold her manner and declared publicly she would have a daughter married soon, which frightened Mr. Bingley away. Mr. Collins, a distance nephew of Mr. Bennet, came to ask a marriage to one of his cousins before Mrs. Bennet was able to get clear why Mr. Bingley left suddenly. After receiving the hint from Mrs. Bennet that Jane already had an admirer, Mr. Collins turned to Elizabeth without wasting a minute and to Miss Charlotte Lucas two days later after refused by Elizabeth. It was difficult for Mrs. Bennet to recover herself as a result of the“deadly stupid” decision made by Elizabeth until she got the news that Lydia finally married Mr. Wickham, though the marriage was built on the basis of ten thousand pounds. Mr. Darcy offered the money and did everything departing from his will just because he loved Elizabeth so much. ()He could not hide his feelings any more and showed his affection to Elizabeth at last, who, because of a series of misunderstandings towards him, rejected him without hesitation. This plot is the climax of the novel as the prejudice of Elizabeth to Mr. Darcy was exposed and removed since then. And the combination of the two young couples, Jane and Bingley, Elizabeth and Darcy came at last.
