

五年级有趣的简单英语小故事 篇1

Stephen Hawking is famous all around the word, I get to know him when I was in high school, I learned him from the English book. Though Hawking is disabled at the early age, he never gives up and continues to woke on his job, finally he becomes the great man. Hawking’s story inspires so many people, his spirit gives people the enlightenment.

As the movie The Theory of Everything is put into the screen, Stephen Hawking comes to people’s eyesight again. The movie is about Hawking’s life from college to his present life, his love story with his first wife is the main line of the story. Hawking’s wife companied with him after knowing his disease, Hawking’s great success owes partly to his wife’s caring.

Besides the support from family, Hawking’s spirit of never giving up makes him success. After knowing the horrible disease, he chose to face it and struggle with it, he continued to keep his study, finally he makes different and becomes the great man.

Hawking’s story is so inspiring, his legend is still going on. The enlightenment he gives to people is very precious.

五年级小学生英语故事 篇2

Once there was a little ant. She wanted to get married, but she only wanted to marry the strongest creature.

She wanted to marry the strongest creature, but she didn’t know who the strongest creature is. She saw the wind blow houses down. So she thought the wind was the strongest creature. She wanted to marry the wind.

But the wind told the little ant that ht wasn’t the strongest creature. There was a tower in the forest. He had stood there for a thousand years against his force. The tower was the strongest creature.

“Why do you want to marry me?” the wind asked.

“Because you are the strongest creature in the world. You are strongest than the wind.” said the ant.

“You are right. I’m strongest than the wind. But I’m not the strongest creature in the world. Look, how I’m damaged! Can’t you guess who has done this to me? It’s you, ants.”

At last, the little ant married her own kind. Because they were the strongest creatures.

五年级有趣的简单英语小故事 篇3

Many years ago, the movie The Pirates of the Caribbean was very popular around the world When the third episode came out, it seemed that the story had came to its end, because the ending was perfect though a little sad for the two main charaters If the movie continued, it may probably sucked It still caught people’s attention and won many praise We still believe that the story has its charm and can attract people to buy tickets.

五年级有趣的简单英语小故事 篇4

The crowd at the airport surged forward. The passengers had been waiting for a couple of hours for an airline employee to open the door leading to the plane outside. No one was in a good mood. An old man got trapped in the middle of the rush. He fell down without being able to break his fall. His head hit the concrete floor. Blood gushed from his forehead. He appeared to be unconscious. Everyone rushed past him, except for Dana. She called for help.

A minute later, a young airline employee showed up. Hardly looking at the old man, she told Dana to get aboard her plane. She said the old man would be okay, and walked away.

Dana screamed for help. An airport supervisor appeared. He told Dana to get on the plane. Dana said that she was not moving until an ambulance arrived. The supervisor said her plane would leave without her. Dana said that she didn’t care.

An ambulance and two paramedics finally arrived. The paramedics said that the man would be okay, but he would need stitches. They put him into the ambulance and drove off.

On her way out to the plane, which was still refueling, Dana saw the employee who had initially ignored the old man. The employee said, “You’re lucky the plane didn’t leave without you.”

“The plane?” Dana asked. “Who cares about the plane? How could you be so cold? That was an old man; he could have been your grandfather! How would you like it if everyone just stepped over your grandfather and went on their way?”

五年级有趣的简单英语小故事 篇5

Early in the morning, no matter the one I came to a narrow alley. Boring kick stones, perhaps the winter grandfather saw me is boring, so he sent many winter little angel to play rock with me. "Ah! I'm sorry!" I am ashamed to say, originally I have kicked the stone to the feet of others, I am still ashamed low head. The man hesitated before answering me and said: "never mind, can you buy a box of matches?"

I hear the line how so familiar, oh! I think of it, is the little match girl in the fairy kingdom. I suddenly looked up, that's her, she was wearing a shabby dress, above there are faintly visible sew traces, but also really like the fairy tale book as like as two peas, she just wearing a shabby unfit big slippers, left hand also hung a large bamboo basket, and filled with matches, drape on the matches is a fading pink cloth, it can faintly see a line of words: mother always accompany in your side. Because of cold winds, which spend my eyes are in a withering stage. The girl looked at with a look of entreaty I seemed to say: "you sell one, or even a few root."

I feel my tears have filled my eyes, I tried not to cry. Quickly from the pocket to find three coins only, in her hand, she gratefully said: "thank you, thank you." She took from her basket with a large box of matches.

五年级有趣的简单英语小故事 篇6

Two girls were trick-or-treating on Halloween night when a large group of teens attacked them, leaving both high school seniors unconscious. One needed surgery to repair her eye socket.

The victims were white, and their attackers were black. Seven attackers were girls, and one was an 18-year-old boy. The boy said that he did not attack the girls; he tried to protect them.

"So why were you swinging a skateboard?" asked a witness. The boy said that he was swinging the skateboard at the attackers, not the victims.

The prosecution added "hate crime" to the charge of assault because racial slurs were made before the victims were attacked.

The trial in Long Beach lasted almost four weeks. All the attackers were found guilty, but not one spent even a day in jail. The judge sentenced them to "house arrest" for a month. House arrest meant that they had to sleep in their own beds at home. The boy had to do 20 hours of community service.

Law-abiding white and black adults were outraged at the light sentences. The two girls required hospital care, yet the thugs received a mere slap on the wrist. Concerned parents immediately created a website for recalling the judge.

五年级有趣的简单英语小故事 篇7

New York city is the first city of America. It has many famous buildings, we can see these landmarks in the movie all the time. The empire state building is one of the tourist sites, most people will think of the movie King Kong. I also know about this building from the movie. King Kong was captured by the bad guys and was brought to the New York city. Compared with the human beings, King Kong was more like human beings. He fell in love with a girl and spared no effort to rescue the girl from all kinds of dangers. The scene of King Kong , sitting in the tall building, watching the sunset was so touching, but later this peace was break by human, at last, King Kong fell down and died. People said he died for the beauty, which makes it a legend.
