

季节的英语例句 篇1

1. The population explodes to 40,000 during the tourist season.


2. Football clubs have been busy in the close season transfer market.


3. I can personally attest that the cold and flu season is here.


4. Rosanna's favourite time is early summer, just before the buds open.


5. The seasonally adjusted unemployment figures show a rise of twelve-hundred.


6. The seas store heat and release it gradually during cold periods.


7. I go back on the dole when the shooting season's finished.


8. The door, warped by seasons and sea-changes, split slightly.


9. The plum season is about to begin.


10. During the breeding season the birds come ashore.


11. Now it is spring, a time of renewal.


12. Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.


13. This is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs.


14. They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season.


15. Autumn is a lively season for the wool market.


关于季节的英语对话阅读 篇2

Todd: So, Marion, what you do you think of the winter we are having?


Marion: The winter at the moment, it's very cold, isn't it, but most of the time it's quite sunny as well. It's dry at least, so I quite like winter days that are sunny like today. I was outside and even though at first it seems quite cold, afterwards, with the sun we kind of warmed up very quickly.


Todd: Yeah, it was nice today, but winter is not my favorite season. No, I want winter to be over very quickly. But soon spring will be here and spring is good. I like spring, and then summer. I love summer. Summer is my favorite season.


Marion: Really? Even when it's really, really hot?


Todd: Oh, I love it! Last year, it was really, really hot and everybody, every day would complain, and say it was so hot, but I loved it. The hotter the better. I think it's very relaxing and it calms me down actually. I feel calm and very relaxed in very hot weather.


Marion: I quite like hot weather as well, but last summer, the summer you are talking about, I had to go on a very crowded train every morning, so when you have a crowded train, and it's very, very hot, it ends up being quite disgusting, piled in against all these sweaty people, so I didn't like last summer for that reason.


Todd: Well, what's your favorite season?


Marion: Ah, autumn is my favorite season, cause I think, because every autumn I start at school. It always feels like a new beginning, time of year, for me, more so than January. I feel like September is a good time to change things and a good time to start new things, and also the trees are beautiful and the weather is quite mild and nice. How about you? What's your favorite season?


Todd: Well, it's probably a tie between summer and fall, for what you just said, I agree. The fall has great weather, the trees are beautiful, it's a good time to be outside. It rarely rains, and I hate the rain and plus, my birthday is in October, and Halloween which is a fun holiday.


Marion: Right, that's good.


季节的相关短语 篇3

季节年 Seasonal year ; seasonal year

季节能效比 SEER ; HSPF ; Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio ; seasonal cop

季节工 seasonal worker ; seasonal labour ; seasonal employment ; custom operator

狩猎季节 Open Season ; Hunting Season ; Av mevsimi ; LieJiJie

天气季节 Weather and Seasons ; synoptic seasons ; Synoptic season ; weather season

生长季节 growing season ; Season growing ; growth season ; growing seasons

农事季节 farming season ; agricultural seasons

银色季节 Giniro no Season ; The Silver Season ; Ginir

季节英语说法 篇4

