

move用法 篇1






Give me a place to stand and I will move the world.给我一个支点,我会推动地球。

That desk is fixed, don't try to move it.那张桌子是固定的,别去移动它。

The woman is deeply moved by his selfless spirit.妇女被他的无私精神深深感动了。


Give it a hard push, then it will move.用力推一下,就能使它移动。

My family moved here two years ago.我们全家两年前搬到这儿。

Nobody seems willing to move in the matter.似乎没有人愿意对这件事采取行动。





The army is on the move.军队在移动。

This move is now in preparation.这一步骤,目前正在准备中。

Their move to Latin America was a leap in the dark.他们迁居拉丁美洲是件冒险的事。


1、So, if we could just move onto something else?


2、They are selling their house to move to a smaller one.


3、If the company was to relocate, most employees would move.


move词组 | 习惯用语 篇2

on the move 在活动中,在进行中;四处奔波

move on 往前走,前进;出发,离开

move in 生活于;周旋于;向内投

move forward 向前移动,提步向前;向前发展

move into 移入;迁入新居

move from 使从…中醒悟过来;从…搬走,离开…

make a move 走一步;开始行动;搬家

move up 提升,上升;向前移动

move towards 走向,接近

move out 搬出;开始行动

move away 离开;搬走,移开

move around v. 走来走去;绕着……来回转

move away from 从…离开;抛弃

move back v. 退缩

move through 穿过

move about 走来走去;经常搬家

move ahead 前进;进行;进展

move out of 搬出;脱离;摆脱

first move 第一步;先走

move along 往里走;继续向前或后移动

move英语例句库 篇3

1.The rook that makes the castling move has not yet moved in the game.王经过或达到的位置受对方棋子的攻击。

2.A swarm of ants are moving busily.一群蚂蚁正在忙碌地搬家。

3.They spotted armor moving up the valley.他们发现装甲车队正沿着山谷行进。

4.The chess players drew in 32 moves.棋手在三十二步棋后打成平局

5.The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作

6.She seems favourably disposed to the move.她似乎很赞成这项举措。

7.The room is divided by movable screens.这房间是用活动屏风隔开的。

8.What are the expenses of moving house?搬家的花销是多少?

9.Cattle move freely across the grassy plain.牛群自由自在地走过草原。

was moving at a funereal pace.埃里卡悲哀而庄严地迈步行进。

Harry to get a move on.叫哈里快些。

12.The movers stripped the house of furniture.搬家工把房子里的家具全搬走了。

13.Our country is rapidly moving toward(s)s prosperity.我们的国家正在迅速地走向繁荣。

14.Sliding doors and windows move in groove.滑动门和滑动窗都在凹槽中移动。

15.This machine is too unwieldy to move.这台机器太笨重了, 很难搬动。

are afoot to increase car insurance premiums.现正在酝酿提高汽车的保险费。

17.Clutch stair armrest, move carefully step by step.抓紧楼梯扶手,一步步谨慎地移动。

18.The army is on the move at last.部队终于开拔了。

19.All the moves of the ballerina were graceful.那位芭蕾舞演员的所有动作都是很美的。

20.She moves in the highest circles of society.她生活在高级社交圈里。

move的意思 篇4

vt.& vi. 移动,搬动

vi. 搬家,行动,进展,(机器等)开动

vt. 提议,使感动,摇动,变化

n. 改变,迁移

变形:过去式: moved; 现在分词:moving; 过去分词:moved;
