

英语写一封信 篇1

Dear don:


Unknowingly, I came to class 3 of grade2014for more than a year. In one year, I have known many children who have studied with me. As an excellent head teacher, your careful care and tireless teaching are deeply imprinted in my mind. For us, you would rather become a candle, burn yourself, and light our bright future.

The growth of small trees is inseparablefromrain and the care of the gardener; the beautiful fragrance of flowers is inseparablefromthe soil and the company of bees; our growth is inseparablefromthe teacher's teaching. Mr. Tang, every little bit of this year, I will never forget it!

In life, you are always so meticulous. In class, as long as there is a classmate who is not comfortable, you will sendhim to the health care room. When you come back, you will always ask "how is it? Is it better?" Lunch, you also let all students eat meat, let us eat with health. These two points alone are enough to show our love for us. In learning, you have always taught us carefully. Every time you learn a word, you always ask us to read and memorize hair step by step, and explain the meaning repeatedly. If we do something wrong, you usually teach us as sternly as that, but I know that behind this sternness lies the tenderness of a loving mother.

Mr. Tang, it is you who have cultivated countless national pillars with your own sweat and youth, but you are so unknown. Finally, I want to say to you loudly: "thank you, teacher!"

英语写信 篇2


1.A Letter of Thanks(感谢信


Dear Mr Manager,I’m writing to express my thanks to you and your employee Miss Wang, who helped me to find my wallet while I was staying in your hotel.The other day I was really careless when I was having lunch in the restaurant.I paid the bill and somehow I left my wallet on the table.I had already walked out of the hall when Miss Wang came up with my wallet.And she didn’t even accept a reward.I’m sure Miss Wang is just one of the Chinese workers who are honest and reliable.Your good qualities are something I’ll always keep in mind.Please send my best wishes to Miss Wang.I can’t thank her too yours,****

2.A Letter of Apology(致歉信)


Dear Friend,I know you were angry with me for not keeping my promise.I’m so sorry that something unexpected happened.I did take the right train, and thought I would arrive in time.However, a sudden storm damaged part of the railway, and so the train was late for five hours.When I finally got out of the station, it was almost midnight.I thought it impolite to call you then.I knew you had been expecting me the whole evening, but what could I do?

Anyway it was my fault, because I did not listen to the weather I could have changed the plan.I do apologize, and I hope that I’ll have a chance to make up.Yours,*****

3.A Letter lf Congratulation(祝贺信)


Dear Friend,Thank you for informing me of your new address.It’s really good news that you have moved into such a beautiful area.I’m sure you and your family will enjoy living in the new apartment house.I’ll manage to visit you some day and have a look at your new decoration and furniture.Yesterday I chanced to be in a curiosity shop where I saw a very beautiful vase.I thought it would be something good for your new house, and so k bought it immediately.I hope you will accept it as a token of my congratulations.I’ll feel delighted if this gift of mine can add to your joy.Fondly


4.An Invitation(邀请信)


Dear Friend,I wonder if you will come to tea with us on Sunday.My uncle has just returned from Austria and he brought me a lot of music records for my coming birthday.I know you like music, and I hope you’ll be interested in our tea party.We can listen to the beautiful performance together.Please call me as soon as you have seen the letter, so that I can know when you’ll be able to arrive.I’ll be looking forward to seeing you at the party.Yours


5.A Letter of Complaint(申诉信)


Dear Sir,I am writing to complain about the bad conditions of the side street where I live.It is short pass between highway 23 and the white bridge.The street is so full of holes that it looks as if it had been used for a hundred years without repair.When it rains, it is simply impossible to walk long ago both the bridge and the highway were paved again.I am unable to understand why the half-mile stretch between the two should go without attention.I hope you will see to it and put an end to this terrible situation as soon as possible.Sincerely


6.A Letter of Complaint(申诉信)


Dear Sir,Your must be clear that we all like your son Tommy very much.However, we notice that recently Tommy practices his piano late at night, sometimes till half past eleven.He used to have his piano lessons in the afternoon, and I don’t know why he has changed his we find it difficult to get to sleep before he finishes playing.As a result, we feel so tired in the daytime that we can hardly do any work efficiently.Do you think you can tell Tommy to start his practice one or two hours earlier so that we can have enough sleep? Sorry if I bring you any trouble.Your neighbor*****

7.A Letter of Condolence(慰问信


Dear Friend,I’m very sorry to know that you were knocked down by a car while riding a bicycle.I hope it is not very serious.Yesterday I called your doctor, who told me what you needed to do was to lie in bed for a couple of weeks and you would be all right.However, I hope you will draw a lesson from this accident and learn to be more careful when you ride a bike later is more important than observing the traffic rules when one is out in the streets.I’ll come to the hospital to see you as soon as I’m back in a few days.Yours


8.A Letter of Application(申请信)


Dear Professor,I’m writing to you about the possibility of coming to your university in the fall of 2004.I’m studying in the last year of middle school now, going to be graduated in the coming summer.I take great interest in languages and literature.I’ve learned that your university is quite famous for journalism and social sciences.I hope to be lucky enough to enter this good university right after my graduation here.Would you please mail to me your application form and all the information which will help me to understand more of your university? Your timely response is appreciated.Sincerely


9.A Letter of Recommendation(推荐信)


Dear Professor,I would like to recommend to you a good student of Li Kang, who hopes to work in your lab as an assistant.The young man graduated here last year.Because of a certain illness, he failed to go on to the he is fully recovered, and hopes to find a job.He used to take great interest in physics and chemistry, and I’m sure he will be fit to work under you.Li has a nice personality, honest, responsible and easy to get along with.I’ll be grateful to you if you take his case into your consideration.Sincerely


10.A Letter of Appointment(约见信)

提示:写信给 某公司经理,近期将到该市,想约见一次商谈业务。

Dear Sir,I’m going to be in your city on business next week and my stay will last a whole week, from Monday through Friday.I hope to make use of this chance to pay you a visit.I’m sure it will be easier to discuss with you in person all the problems that have not yet been solved.Do you think it is convenient for me to call at your office at about two o’clock Wednesday afternoon? If you are busy then.It will be all right to change my schedule as my time is quite flexible.Please kindly inform me if you are unable to keep this appointment and suggest an alternative date and time.Thanks.Sincerely******

11.A Letter for Information(询问情况的信)


Dear Mr Manager,I’m writing to ask if you have found a lady’s watch in the washroom of your hotel.My husband and I had lunch at your hotel on Monday and I remember taking my watch off in the ladies’ room to wash my hands.I think must have left it beside the wash basin.Somehow I forgot to take it when I was through.It is small gold Omega watch with a white leather strap.If anyone has found it, please give me a telephone call on 940-2534, or just write to let me know.Thank you.Yours faithfully*****

12.A letter of Introduction(介绍情况的信)


Dear Friend,I’m glad that you’re going to China soon.It’s nice of you to ask for my advice.Here it is.When you’re in China, don’t forget to visit Beijing and Hangzhou.I think they are the most beautiful cities in my country.The Great Wall and the West Lake are the most impressive sights of all.Besides, you should taste the different styles of Chinese cooking.It is true you can also eat Chinese food in New York, but the cooking in New York is not half so good as in Shanghai.Don’t forget to have a bite of the typical food when you get to a new place.I’m sure you’ll love it.Hope you have a wonderful time there.Fondly


英语书信 篇3

Leaders, Members:

Teachers, good afternoon. Allow me to briefly talk about myself.

My name is - Xianning graduated from the south gate of the private secondary schools. Tourism now studying at the school in Hubei Province. Studying hotel management professional.

I was a character, cheerful girl, so my hobbies is extensive. Sporty. In my spare time likes playing basketball, table tennis, volleyball, skating. When a person like the Internet at home, or a personal stereo.

Not like too long immersed in the world of books, and family members have told me, Laoyijiege is the best. Talking about my family, then I will talk about my family has. Only three people my family, my grandmother, grandfather and my own.

My grandfather is a engineer, I am very severely on peacetime, the Church me a lot. Grandma is a very kindly for the elderly, care for my life in every possible way. Therefore, I have no parents in their care, childhood and growth were full of joy.

I like this hotel management professional, because I like to live in a strict order of the management environment. I have my professional self-confidence and hope, as long as the efforts will be fruitful, this is my motto. Since I chose this profession, I will follow this path, effort, perseverance path.

Thank you teachers. I finished presentation.

英语书信 篇4

Dear Mr/Ms,

We have today received with thanks information concerning transactions on the New York Wheat Exchange which will be made full use of by our research department.

We look forward to further cooperation with you.

Yours faithfully

英语写一封信 篇5

Dear my English teacher,

Im writing to thank you for all your help with my study. With your help, my English is improving in many ways. You are so patient and easy-going that I dont feel imbarassed when i ask you silly questions.



用英语写一封信 篇6

Dear XX,

i am very happy to see you,i think you teach very well,we all love you!

i think your english class is better than our old english teacher's class,i believe you can do better than better!i believe in you!

Best wishes to you!




英语写一封信 篇7

Dear cousin,

I'm glad to hearfromyou. It's normal to find it difficult when you begin to study English. Let me give you some advice.

Firstly, you must try hard in remembering as many English words as possible. Since words is the basic component of English sentences and readings.

Secondly, you must arouse your interest in English. Listen to more English songs, watch more English TV programmes and see more English movies. You will find English a interesting things to learn.

Thirdly, practice English as much as possible. You'd better make yourself a study plan. Spendsome time on reading English and writting English diary everyday.

You will soon find it easier to learn English by follow my advices.

Best Regards,

Your brother

英语写一封信 篇8

Dear wu Yanzu:

You are my favourite superstar.I am addicited to your films and some other works.Our teacher asked us to write a letter to a superstar. You come to mine mind firstly. I am inertested in a question.That is why you are not good at our mother tongue.I am anxious to eat your cooking.It must be taste good.Oh i can not wait.How I wish I could taste it at once. You hurt your nose in an accident.I am very wooried about that,can I have a look at your nose.Yang Qianhua is a so good singer.You two look like a couple,and you will be good lovers.



英语书信 篇9

Dear Jim:

I‘d like to tell you that I‘ve been a senior high school student now.

At the sight of my new school,I found it so wonderful that I can‘t describe it with all my words.There are many trees,bright rooms,as well as a large playground.In addition,I‘ve met a lot of new friends,who are very friendly to me.Also,I‘ve taken my first English class in senior high school today.My teacher is not only knowledgeable but also a little interesting,which made me rather excited.

At the end() of the day,I felt a little tired but more than happy,for I‘ve met so many interesting classmates.

Best wishes to you!





