


关于风景 About the Scenery

I like to travel so much, because I can see different scenery. Many years ago, my parents took me to visit my uncle, who lived in another city. It was the first time for me to visit another place. I was attracted by the different features and scenery. I realized that the world was so big, I should study hard, so I could explore the world.



打屁股 Hit the Buttock

In Chinese tradition, parents have the right to teach their children a lesson by hitting the buttock, because the elders raise the children, so it is acceptable to use violence. While in the modern world, the new parents refuse to solve problem by hitting the kids' buttocks. They want to educate them by showing the facts. My parents find a good way to educate me. They won't use violence.



成长 Grow Up

As a small child, I always want to grow up soon, so that I can be a strong person and make my own decision. But now I realize that being an adult means taking more responsibility and facing more pressure. So for me, there is no need to grow up soon. I should enjoy every stage of my life.



我的妈妈 My Mother

As Mothers'Day is coming soon, I want to do something special for my mother. In my heart, my mother is very great. She takes care of me all the time. Sometimes when I am naughty, though she is angry, she chooses to talk to me very patiently instead of yelling at me. I love my mother, she is an angel in my heart.

