


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) state your point of view.


As is illustrated in the picture, a couple sleeps on the same bed but they seem to be rather isolated from each other. Their oral communication has been replaced by online chatting. This picture reveals the in-depth problem of modern people’s alienation from each other, even among family members.

The issue is attributed to two factors. In the first place, modern people are fully occupied by their work and business, which causes so much tension that there is little time left for communication with each other. Everybody is busy all the time because of the pressure of survival in the society, which deprives them of a casual way of life. In the second place, the prevailing use of the Internet makes it easier for people to contact each other. However, the convenience of sending instant messages to anybody around the world prevents people from the pleasure of the face-to-face communication. In a sense, the addiction to internet exchange makes humans mechanical.

People should be aware that the modern modes of communication cannot take the place of traditional ones. If the couple in the drawing continues to behave like this, their close relationship might be ruined, perhaps even becoming the “closest stranger” some day. Direct communications, in contrast, helps construct more human connections among people.






in-depth: adj. 深入的

alienation: n. 异化,分离

tension: n. 紧张状态,不安

deprives sb. of: 使某人失去

casual: adj. 随意的,不经意的

prevailing: adj. 流行的。广泛的


As is illustrated in the picture…

This picture reveals the in-depth problem of…

The issue is attributed to two factors.

In a sense…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) give your point of view.

You should write on ANSWER SHEE


The set of pictures present a distinguishable contrast of the role of the automobile over time: a century ago, people celebrated the invention of such rapid equipment for transportation, which could take us to wherever we want. Yet now, particularly in urban areas, the automobile is more of a trouble as its abundance results in frequent traffic jams. Drivers in the second picture even fall asleep when trapped in this “disaster”.

Traffic jams have long been a problem that preoccupies many metropolitan cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Beijing. The harm and loss they cost are incalculable. First and foremost, they waste a huge amount of people’s time passed waiting idly in their cars. Secondly, cars in traffic jams produce more exhaust that exacerbates air pollution. Most importantly, a severe traffic jam might results in the dysfunction of a whole city, which can affect residents’ life as well as businesses and industries.

In my opinion, it is an urgent task to reduce the frequency of traffic jams. The first step should be to change people’s lifestyles fundamentally so that the car is no longer part and parcel of their everyday life. Governments also need to apply attractive measures to draw citizens to adopt means of public transportation, for instance, to reduce prices and improve relevant facilities. In short, the cease of traffic jams will largely ameliorate life quality in cities.






celebrate: v. 庆祝,庆贺

traffic jam: 堵车

trap: v. 使受限制

incalculable : v. 不能计算的

idly: adv. 无聊地,空闲地

exhaust: n. 废气

exacerbate: v. 恶化,加剧

dysfunction: n. 机能不良,功能紊乱

part and parcel: 重要的

everyday: adj. 日常的

facility: n. 设施

ameliorate: v. 改良


The set of pictures present a distinguishable contrast of…

… have long been a problem that preoccupies…

In my opinion, it is an urgent task to…


Write an essay of 160-200 words based on the following drawing. In your essay, you should:

1) describe the drawing briefly,

2) explain its intended meaning, and then

3) state your point of view.


This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture. The old grandma, when alive, was fed poorly with a bowl of rice for every meal. In contrast, after her death, there is a memorial tablet set up for her, in front of which is a table of delicacies as tributes. Apparently, the grandma’s children merely want to show off how well they treat their mother while they were actually ingrates.

Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society. For one thing, enormous economic development brings not only wealth, but also the public obsession for material possessions, individual gain and loss which undermines the once sacred bond between parents and children. For another, people seem to be fond of boasting off how they abide by traditions through holding grand funerals for their parents. As a matter of fact, some even compete about the extravagance of the event.

I contend that those who practice as the picture reveals miss the essence and deep values of our traditions. Filial piety should not be expressed via superficial “performance”, but via children’s genuine care and love for their parents. Thinking about how parents have taken care of us when we were babies in cradles, we should realize that they all need due attention when aging.






memorial tablet: 牌位

delicacy: n. 山珍海味

tribute: n. 贡品

undermine: v. 破坏

sacred bond: 神圣的关系

show off, boast off: 炫耀,自夸

abide by: 遵守

grand: adj. 盛大的,豪华的

extravagance: n. 奢侈,铺张

essence: n. 本质

filial piety: n. 孝顺,孝道

genuine: adj. 真实的,真正的,诚恳的


This is quite an extraordinary and meaningful picture.

Ridiculous as it is, the phenomenon is not rare in today’s society.

I contend that…
